For alcohol, because of it's prevalence in society, yet known destructiveness, it is a very prickly topic. Historically we already know that prohibition is the worst solution to the problem and has far worse outcomes.
As the years went on, political disagreements in the German government led to a standstill while the economy declined. While the people’s quality of life decreased, politicians squabbled instead of passing bills. Hitler and his party argued a rule by decree would bypass the bureaucracy. They knew what needed to be done, and it was those pesky leftists in government that prevented it from happening!
This is exactly also what Pierre Poillievre is promising with "Common sense politics". all why being obstructionist to the government and stopping action for the last 10 years.
Speech is not action
Yes it is. And this is why the Free speech absolution argument fall flat on it's face.
Speech is Action.
Speech encourages Action
Speech is powerful. There's a reason why there's the old saying "The pen is mightier than the sword". Words are the most influence action we have.
I've responded to you enough. the fact you're going to sit and defend peoples right to hate speech implies to me that you have some of these opinions yourself that have been called out for and you want to defend your right to say them.
So, On that assumption, I don't think you and I have a further need to talk.
Welcome to participating in society, where you are expected to work alongside your neighbour, not against them.
our government is supposed to be there to define these lines, in conjuction with the will of the people AND the limits of the courts.
Theres' valid argument about some parties abuse. But thats where a robust parliament with multiple different houses can help.
But at the end of the day, if you let hate speech fall under the pervue of freedom of speech and take an absolutist approach to freedom of speech, you will inevitably, lose tolerance as the intolerant will eliminate the tolerant. We have seen this enough times to know that free speech absolutism is a joke, and why it's not the rule of most countries.
Problem is with speech is that speech itself IS action.
You might not see it or feel it if you've never really been a marganlized group, but even speech itself can be harmful, especially when it spreads. At some point, there must be a line where it is not ok to say those things.
For example: Some white supremacist walking around with a swatstika flag might seem like a nothing to you and you might just htink the person is an idiot (they are). But to me, that is a symbol that says "I want you, your family, and your heritage murdered violently, and I don't care how its done"
In addition, your premise assumes good faith on the part of the intolerant, and that they are probably just that way and will change with evidence. This is not true. Many intolerant know that they are intolerant and don't care. And nothing will change that. Arguing with them is what they want since it gives them a platform to repeat their vile hatred.
Again: There MUST be a line in the sand where society and the social contract say "This is not acceptable and you will not be permitted to participate", or eventually it creeps and spreads.
Nazism (ack, a godwin myself) didn't just start as Germany's preffered viewpoint. Hitler was ostracized for it early on, but many free speach absolutists took the exact same approach with him, until he was able to convince enough people who before would keep quiet, to support him and his causes.
I thought that was just my constant state of being.
Yeah. Sometimes I don’t know why I bother with the Fediverse. Like, I like the idea, but there’s a fair amount of jank. I think and are still federated or whatever. Maybe I’ve gotten myself banned from some communities? I dunno. And I have no idea how/where to check.
Over the last few days the more glaring issues with the federation way are emerging. I sadly don't think Lemmy is going to survive once some of the federated servers either get big enough and they have to start dealing truly with the same bullshit posters /bots that reddit does.
Look at the .ML instance as an example. It is growing to be one of the largest ones, yet The typical post on that is borderline violent. I have read numerous death threats. Rampant Racism and anti-semitism. and the owner/admin of it seemingly agrees with that. I got a temp ban for "reporting too much" for directly reporting around 6 anti semetic and anti - islamic posts. And rading his post history, he's a staunch Commie who thinks we should kill all capitalists.
How continues to be allowed to be federated despite this direction will be the evidenec that federation won't work if the overall Lemmy experience does not adhere to at least the same standards. Having standards differ wildly like that will just alienate poeple. I Know I don't know if I'm going to stay long here because of the sheer hate I see supported on Lemmy because certain federated server admins decided that sort of hate is ok on their server
no. What you are referring to is authoritarianism, which can happen in just about every single political system that is abused. Even Capitalism/Democracy can be subject to Authoritarian rules.
Truth is not empirical.
yes it is and where it cannot be proven with 100% certainty, the scientific principles applied to truth will at least get you as damn close to it as possible.
This statement reads like you want the right to replace reality with your own and say whatever you want without consequences.
That's not reality and you need to grow up
And the CPC in Canada is licking their chops and trying to copy them
So, I'm not American so this seems like a weird gripe to me based on the question:
Do American elections base the persons place of vote where they are living, or where they come from?