
joined 2 years ago
[–] Specal 0 points 1 year ago

And they have Spotify DJ, which not everyone likes but I think it's great, worth the £10 a month to me

[–] Specal 10 points 1 year ago

Found blizzard.

[–] Specal 19 points 1 year ago

But it also proves that if a company gives a shit, they can do it. This can be achieved with lower costs and experience, so in time the costs will come down.

Whereas Activision blizzard don't give a fuck and anytime there's a new DlC or game there's significant downtime despite being a multi billion dollar company. Why people continue to support them I'll never know

[–] Specal -5 points 1 year ago

I think what needs to be considered here is what we consider a waste of electricity. Efficiency calculations are dependent on waste, So I personally think electric cars are a waste of resources, they consume electricity to run and consume non renewable resources to produce just to move a maximum of 1-5* people per journey. Whereas an electric which still uses this resources can move over 10x that amount per journey, and trains over 30x that amount per journey.

So to me that's energy inefficiency at the consumer point.

Now let's look at energy generation and transfer. At the moment, alot of energy production is a for profit business, Company A builds a solar farm, Company B builds a Coal power plant and Company C (This would be overseen by the government, not a private company) builds a nuclear reactor. All 3 of these companies produce various amounts of electricity with different efficiencies, but all must be sold at the same price. It might only cost £0.01/KwH on the solar farm to produce, but must be sold for £0.33/KwH, the coal would be £0.27/KwH and nuclear would be £0.45/KwH.

You have 3 generation methods, each with strengths and weaknesses all being forced to sell for the same price. Normally in a capitalist system you see "Competition" (not really) on the market. Company A would say "We're cheap, but can only guarantee 97% uptime due XYZ issues", most homes would be fine with me this. Company B + C "We're not as cheap but we can offer 99.9% uptime" This looks great for companies needing that security in uptime.

I've gone on a tangent and can't be bothered finishing this post maybe someone else will.

[–] Specal 4 points 1 year ago

Renting implies reoccurring payment, leasing just means "agreement to use X under Y conditions". Example A: A device leases an IP address from a router. Example B: You rent a movie from blockbuster.

[–] Specal 3 points 1 year ago

Caddy makes it so you don't have to understand reverse proxies to use them, the config is literally just "reverse_proxy " and then gives it a let's encrypt SSL certificate. It's beautiful for self hosting.

[–] Specal 4 points 1 year ago

Additionally, using jottacloud with 2 VPS's (one of them being built on epyc like from OVH cloud) can get you a really good download server and streaming server for about £30 a month, which is the same as having netflix and Disney plus, except now you can have anything you want.

I have a contabo 4core 8gb ram VPS that handles downloading content.

A OVH 4core 8gb VPS that handles emby (I keep trying to go back to jellyfin but it's just slightly slower than emby at transcoding and I need to squeeze as much performance out of my VPS as possible so... Maybe one day jelly)

And I have a really good streaming experience with subtitles that don't put big black boxes on the screen making 1/8th of the screen non viewable.

[–] Specal 2 points 1 year ago

Totally not the same thing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

[–] Specal 0 points 1 year ago

Mastercam does pretty well once you force it to use hardware accelleration

[–] Specal 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Nah those people are useful, you normally have to pay for people to find workarounds, people that break the rules do it for free

[–] Specal 0 points 1 year ago

The Personal identification number number

[–] Specal 14 points 1 year ago

It's just bots, they scan IP address and open ports looking for vulnerabilities. I remember my first experience with this putting my first game server online for a game I was making, thinking to my self "who the fuck are these people trying to connect to my game? How did they even have it". It's nothing to worry about unless you have lack of or poor authentication.

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