There's the act of crossing the border illegally, and then there's the act of being in a country without a valid visa. Obviously when people talk about illegal immigration they're generally talking about the second case.
When I used to dual boot I would just disconnect the Linux drive before installing windows. That way each disk had their own dedicated bootloader. Kind of annoying doing this just to install an OS, but the end result is good. Depending on your bios startup settings you can boot to grub, or boot directly to Windows.
Are you a bike salesman?
Squidward's actually an octopus though.
I watched one episode and then gave up on it and finally started the animated version. I'm loving the original series so far.
I've had no issue with my Ryobi tools. They've worked extremely well for me.
Because it's easier to use 5:15 or 5:30 when you get a digital readout. No one's counting every individual tick on an analog clock, so fractions make more sense in that case.
That's the case for a lot of people, but others make decent money and still spend every cent they make.
Yes that's what it said at the bottom of the image.
I got a sunrise alarm clock recently and I've really been enjoying it. Whether it will work for your situation or not depends on how sensitive you each are to light in the mornings.
Ya, just a dude and an afternoon and you've got it all covered, no prob.
Not really the same. The public gets a say in which art pieces are displayed in public. Museums exist for the preservation of history, good or bad.