We just got white castle, and i am very happy with it. It plays fast, it is thinky, not a huge pain to set up, and on top of everything, it was very reasonably priced. 10/10 purchase.
people in villages to a large extent just accepted queer people as their own category and moved on. They were tangentially aware of some people doing some unusual stuff on the sidelines, but unless it were shoved in their face they didn't really care afaik
It was me. I did it. All my fault
I’m reading about the same idea right now in Dr. Iain McGilchrist’s book right now. Very timely post :)
To think someone went through all the trouble to make this
Well, now you learned something :D
I have dreadlocks. If there are hairs in my food, i will know :D
Okay, this was funny
That holds if you read stuff that is mostly well known. I read in swedish a lot, and a fair amount of obscure philosophy and science stuff, and it is not always available there :/
SeNSe oF ComMUnITy
How am i going to dig myself out?