
joined 4 years ago

Very useful and pleasant to use. You almost don't have to move your fingers out of the keyboard with this extension.


I am looking for a nice theme for Hugo. This is some examples of other things themes I like and why I cannot use them:

Can you help me?


Hello Lemmy!

I recently discovered the "Request my data" function of Discord. Now that I have the data Discord knows about me.

I would like to make an experiment that could be used to explain how metadata can say a lot about people.

The problem is, I never done that :grinning face with sweat: so I would like to know how I could get everything I can, only from the metadata contained in the package.

I know it's possible, according to the length of calls, the umber of messages, etc, to guess what kind of relation a user have with another, but I don't know how to do that.

This is a description of the data package:

Can you help me to know what are the information I can determine about myself using this package (only the metadata, or it's not fair :p)

Thanks in advance!


[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

In capitalism the deaths are indirect deaths unlike in authoritarian systems, they are more difficult to calculate. But I got your point.


I LOVE Wikipedia, I think it's one of the best websites of the internet.

But the fact is that Wikipedia has many flaws:

  • Editing became very hard on Wikipedia based on the amount of rules to respect
  • Wikipedia is biased, many cultures and minorities are not well represented among editors and pages.
  • Wikipedia is a dependence, I can't imagine Wikipedia disappear, I think it already changed the way people see knowledge, not as something fixed anymore, but as something dynamic that changes and evolve.
  • Wikipedia 'sources admission' are also very... Weird. Because you can be a professional in a special field, it doesn't mean your contribution will be accepted, just because your source is not coming from a 'reliable source', even if YOU are this reliable source.

There are other problems as well, but I think those are the most important ones.

What do you think about it? If you could change anything or everything to Wikipedia, what would you do?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 years ago

This is a difficult question. Anarchism is not against all types of authority, but against hierarchy specifically (unjustified and unwanted authority). The question is whenever we can consider this as a hierarchy.

recently with computer privacy and security.

What do you mean? I don't understand the link between this and the fact you cannot go on your computer.

PS: I am 15 too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago (3 children)

Then explain why.


I am an anarchist. But I am not an asshole, I would like to understand why some communists are so hostile against anarchist and why some anarchist are so hostile toward communism.

I don't understand that. There are a lot of common ways of doing things between anarchists and communism and we both have the goal.

It can seem like a very stupid post, but I am really trying to understand :)

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is the things I use on my computer. :)

Conditions for a good software accoridng to me

  • Least number of visual stimulations. No notifications, no sounds, no tons of button everywhere... Best if it can be only used using keyboard.
  • Light, my computer also wants to benefit from minimalism.
  • Respects its users. It needs to be "free software" (free as freedom)
  • Being necessary for you.

The basic stuff

  • Xubuntu is my operating system.
  • dwm (plus dmenu) is my window manager. Everything is done using a few shortcuts and takes no space on the screen. The shortcuts are easy to get, but the installation might be tricky for new linux users.
  • st is my terminal. I use it for coding, writing and managing my system. The only thing I changed to it was to change the fontsize and enable the scrollback patch. But again it might be tricky to install for new linux users.

Browsing online

I already tried other stuff like "surf" but I don't like it because I want to use an adblocker.

  • Firefox is my favorite browser. I use it because it's lighter than other browsers, and I can install uBlock Origin.


I need to write things for school and for myself. So I mainly use Marktext or nano to write my stuff.

  • Marktext is a markdown editor. I like markdown because I don't want to pass the majority of my time on choosing fonts and stuff like that. Also I think it's more handy and reliable. I only use this app for exporting into pdf. I write using nano
  • Nano is a terminal-based editor. Very easy to use, only terminal based. I use for both writing markdown and writing code.
  • Libreoffice if I really need to have a "classic" office suite.



  • dino (xmpp client), it is my favorite chatting software. I like it more than Discord because, instead of joining a ton of useless channels, you only join the ones you want. (Also it's lighter than Matrix.)
  • HexChat is my favorite IRC client. Yes I still use IRC, it's so simple and stupid, I love it!


  • Thunderbird, it has a very "brut" interface, but very handy and powerful. You can setup filters to automatically clean your inbox. I never get up to 20 messages in my inbox this way.


I use nano as my code editor. That's it, same thing as said above.

  • nano and st is my IDE :)
  • openscad is the cad software I use. Basically, design things in 3D using code.


  • Shotcut is a nice video editor. Pretty straight forward. When I need something more advanced, I use kdenlive.
  • VLC is a nice video viewer.


  • Firefox is my image viewer.
  • GIMP is my image editor. I don't want to use photoshop.


  • Audacity is useful when I need to record sound
  • pavucontrol is the tool I use to manage the input/output audio stuff.
  • Musecore is a score editor I use to digitalize and read piano scores.

Hi! I am a beginner programmer, but I would like to understand the general process to go from a non-activitypub to an activity software (ie. Lemmy)

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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