Freedum loving repubeicans inbound to other states?
27 times already. I'd say the math works. The Repubeicans are at their end. This is their last kicks. They know the world is changing and they are not in favor. That's why they have the corrupt syrpeme court in a attempt to get in what the minority wants.
Funny how there's been 27 amendments tho
Finally hells freezing over.
Like. He's hell and got real cold. Not that hells freezing over.
The middle finger is a visual that frighted, scared, meager police would see as a threat. Hence their would also see their response in beating.. as penance for doing something they don't like.
Tldr: fearfully weak cops care about only themselves.
Websites are supposed to just change the logo for social media? Yeah. Nope. Website owners are just gonna take it down casue they won't know. Bye bye X.
You just explained a large selection of boomers.
Well you can't solve em for sure. All you are is hot air.
Um. So watch other languages. They have integrity coke. Cause coke actors.. they are low paid and have to stay up and beat their bodies down to get paid.
Got it. This is fascinating fabrications Your imaginations almost rivals your thoughts.
People who need more money don't ask for it. And those that don't do. Sounds like a totally fabricated answer.
They need to fake working and that's hard to do when remote is based on output. Ie, did the work get done or not. Being a middle manager w people to bother in office means they can fake it or have issues all day and be talking ..