
joined 2 years ago
[–] Snapz 9 points 1 month ago

Ha, wonderful! Corrected, thanks for pointing that out.

Note: I had to manually correct the auto"correct" for just about every word on that small sentence above (and in this note)

[–] Snapz 31 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

You don't realize how your data not being secure contributes to all of the problems you list.

I imagine the issue is that you think "your data" means that list of your "5 favorite types of hats" you posted yesterday or that mp3 of dogs barking happy birthday on your phone - yes, that is data, but it's not really what we're talking about here. Your data collectively, in a profile that is bought and sold, is like your DNA - it is the blueprint to exactly who you are, where/why you are weak and when/how to manipulate you.

I appreciate your passion, but your blind rage here is misplaced and frankly, your position is severely ignorant of the reality you're currently operating in, in several key areas. You also seem to have wholly constructed an adversarial relationship here where you try to frame me as in support of our Congress, I am not. I don't agree with how this bill was assembled, lobbied or passed in Congress. I do understand some of the nuance though, so I consider that. As I've said, after trump introduced a tiktok ban as a pure racist distraction without any actual substance, republican think tanks took the ball and engineered this situation as a trap, so they could attack either outcome from democrats (because they are feckless, grifting cowards). Key tactic within that strategy was when Republicans held Ukraine aid hostage on the condition that they wouldn't approve spend unless the tiktok bill was allowed as well. So Congress reluctantly passed it, and Biden signed it and then he made an official statement that he or his administration would not enforce it (essentially saying, we were forced into this bullshit). So at that point, you're talking about innocent human lives under an active terrorist attack from Russia in the balance.

Again, there's a lot here you don't understand it seems. I welcome you to breathe a bit, slow down and have a discussion. Happy to chat if you need.

[–] Snapz 2 points 1 month ago

So yes then? You've stolen that guy's identity? Or you are too afraid to admit that?

[–] Snapz 10 points 1 month ago (15 children)

You're not making a lot of sense... It also seems that you're under the impression that tiktok doesn't sell data and ad profiles like all other social media networks?

[–] Snapz 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Wow, so you're saying that's not you... So you've STOLEN this man's identity? Uh oh....

Where how do I report this fake account?

[–] Snapz 0 points 1 month ago (4 children)

You openly represent yourself as a PhD, a cancer researcher, a college professor, more than that a department chair, with a public relations responsibility to your college.... and you're here in a tiktok thread calling me a twat in an open forum? And all in a passive defense of donald trump?

[–] Snapz 18 points 1 month ago (20 children)

What point are you trying to make, and in response to what?

[–] Snapz 104 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

The AP is supposed to be a neutral source, but they are decidedly right leaning.

There is clear, relevant reporting to be done on how odd the structure of all this is and that the app's self imposed shutdown message specifically praised trump, by name. They buried a photo of it, but I don't see direct text in the article discussing that. They also don't mention the fact that the CEO had been privately meeting with trump recently.

They say Biden had a part in the ban, though he said publicly he would not enforce it - what matters there, that AP doesn't mention, is that the republicans held humanitarian aide to Ukraine hostage back in April, saying they'd block unless the tick tok ban was passed. Laying the groundwork for this hollow attempt to "blame Biden" and position trump as a solution (to a problem he instigated and that republican think tanks engineered).

They do say the CEO will attend and have a "prime seating location" but not clarifying that the seats he'll be in are typically reserved for living past US presidents.

Fucking joke.

[–] Snapz 66 points 1 month ago (29 children)

Spreading for awareness, I've been posting this in relevant threads for a week - This is all theater.

trump was always going to "save" tik tok after starting the initial push to ban it (for the wrong reasons) to pretend he did something for you. Worst part is that all of the no/low info voters and non voters will eat it up.

It's the equivalent of a person pushing you into the middle of the street and at the very last second, that same person tells the drivers to all stop. "Wow, I owe you my life!"

And now, this adds two layers:

  1. You think trump and the Supreme Court are colluding? now they get to say, nah uh!!!! Even though again, this is all convoluted.

  2. trump gets to look "stronger" than the "highest court in the land" to help delude the next generation of low info tiktok folks.

P.s. The Chinese "protest" apps that were downloaded are going to mine the FUCK out of these millions of phones in the brief window they have them. Also, when the kids inevitably move back to tiktok, majority of them will still leave these other apps installed on their phones, dormant and collecting indefinitely in the background.

[–] Snapz 26 points 1 month ago

Do they really think they are that mainstream now that they can pull the "fuck you" switch? You're still almost exclusively patronized by the people that can actually read and think, bambu. Your customer will decidedly act against your broken business now. Enjoy.

This is Reddit, but if you want to hear from the asshole making decisions and see their username.

[–] Snapz 2 points 1 month ago

Stop trying to find reason in a situation devoid of reason. You're clinging to that for personal comfort, if you feel like you can wrap it with a bow, you feel in control of it. You're not.

He's a broken narcissist and a psychopath. His dad didn't love him and told him so. He'll spend every worthless day of his life trying to get his dead dad to say "I was wrong about you", and of course, his dad is dead so that won't happen (wouldn't have anyway, as that guy was likely an even bigger piece of shit, just not born with money like trump was so didn't reach the same heights).

So ask yourself why you don't realize the above. If there's an end to this presidency, or if say he gets diagnosed with a terminal disease, there's a non-zero chance he launches all of the nukes with the hope of a worldwide nuclear holocaust - because at the end of the day, if his life was ending, and you told trump he could press a button and be sure that nobody was laughing at him after death, posthumously convicting him of crimes or just pissing on his grave, he'd kill every single person on the chance.

A stranger's opinion is meaningless to him? Brother, it's fucking everything to him.

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