
joined 2 years ago
[–] Snapz 6 points 1 month ago

If you're betting on that crowd, you're just choosing to overlook the fluoride in the water, gay chem trails, 5G tower and microchips in the COVID vaccine crowd. There is some overlap with the crystal people sure, but much more Alex Jones/QAnon, full on violent basement demon crowd.

[–] Snapz 27 points 1 month ago (11 children)

So who is going to put out the fires, libertarian?

Well, everyone will just regularly pay a little to the person that has a fire truck and they'll put out the fires when needed.

[–] Snapz 4 points 1 month ago

The way you remove a stigma is to speak normally, regularly and without kid gloves. We don't need to treat it like gold. It needs to be safe, regulated, respectful of labor rights and with a wage representice of the type of work, like anything else.

  • the person that deveins shrimp at the factory has a very shitty job
  • A proctologist is a high paying and respected job, but you have to work with a lot of assholes every day
  • A prostitute that can't laugh about their job, probably has a big stick up their ass.

The more you can personally evolve away from tiptoeing around discussion here, the better you do to actually normalize. Normalizing casual discussion helps make those who are still against it to feel more like the ridiculous outsiders they are, far removed from the accepted status quo of society.

[–] Snapz 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Not very sex positive of you... you sound like a bit of a prudish gatekeeper here, no? Sex workers suck and fuck - Do you think they should feel shame for these loving acts that they choose to perform professionally?

[–] Snapz 20 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Typo in quoted text, OP...

They will be entitled to official employment contracts, health insurance and suck days.

But seriously, wonderful progressive policy. Some of those people work very hard and word is that their clients can be a real pain in the ass sometimes too.

[–] Snapz 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

To first half, nobody is stopping you if that's your priority, Brad....

And second half seems to be a false premise you just supposed entirely from your asshole?

Night night now.

[–] Snapz 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I'm not speaking exclusively of relationships with managers. It's all "dangerous" on that side. I say avoid the risk if your social relationships outside of work are otherwise satisfactory. Again, if social connecting becomes your top priority over career, you can push boundaries at work, otherwise I'd say find an excuse to not go out for drinks and generally stay in the "middle" area where people speak about you in vague, but pleasant, terms... Then go home and live your REAL life with close friends, romantic partners and family who actually care for you.

Really, your work ultimately doesn't give a SHIT about you. Everyone would still be expected to clock in tomorrow if you dropped dead tonight. Take the hint and invest the BARE MINIMUM in work.

[–] Snapz 8 points 1 month ago (5 children)

So (in my opinion) you need to first be very clear about your goal... You shouldn't just DO or NOT DO anything really - YOU are the variable that needs to be accounted for.

If you are younger or desperate for social interactions/ friendships, and depending on the type of job, you can often make great friends at/through work. So if that is your priority, this is an opportunity.

But, work friendships come with professional risk. Your managers aren't your friends, that dynamic will betray you if push comes to shove AND that thing you do/say at that party will be considered in your performance review and/or reported to HR. So, if career it your priority, then be pleasant, but leave it at "work friends" no genuine attachments.

[–] Snapz 13 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Got a lot of attitude when telling them I preferred to opt out. Signs posted everywhere informing you of the right and the agent felt so put upon when asked. To the point that I mentioned to supervisor and she tried to over apologize like she cares and was going to talk to the agent, but she didn't give a shit. It's an intimidation/peer pressure thing, also they do scan your face, and then you can ask them to discard after the fact... But how many of us think that data is actually "gone" after they've collected it?

More likely you still have a scan somewhere in system, now just with an added flag labeling you as a difficult

[–] Snapz 1 points 1 month ago
[–] Snapz 2 points 1 month ago

Feels like a great time for a competitor to explicitly state that you in fact, do own your account on their site. Nuance to that as tech bros is always gonna be tech bros (and blue sky is also tech bros, just with temporary infective to say "nah man, it's cool baby..." for the time being while they build market share). But basically stating that you have full ownership and responsibility to manage your account, and that management transfers along with any kind of power of attorney shift or through any other related court actions

[–] Snapz 1 points 1 month ago

Think there's a lot of false premise and privileged POV in your statements here about your perception of reality.

Certainly not "fine mostly" by the major tangible measures that might contribute to a blanket statement like that attempting some basis in evidence. Maybe most counter to your position is the fact that the entire world is sliding right generally, most likely as an immature, frightened reaction to COVID-blamed inflation and opportunistic corporate price gouging. Among that, the lesser informed likely think that there is some "conservative" force that would reign things in - It's the idea that "Daddy will fix it", but in reality daddy never actually did fix anything when you were small, you just felt safe when he was there when you were a child. And Daddy isn't here anymore anyway - the person that would be daddy is headbutting windows at the US Capitol and asking Siri "how do you make pipe-bombs filled with liberal shit"

Also false equivalency with the Obama guns things - in that case, a lot of racist, conservative dickheads stockpiled weapons/ammo as a gut reaction and frankly a hope for a "race war", marinating in their always assumed victimhood, simply because a HALF black person was president. Versus now, where severely, actively threatened minority communities feel that they will potentially be forced into camps because of credible threats by the presumptive president elect gop do just that. So yes, now a few, exaggerated by media, are getting gun training and basic weapons out of fear of the collapsing world they observe first hand around them as the very real threat of someone kicking in their door in the not too distant future.

But I'm sure things are "fine mostly" for you. 401k doing okay? Still get your two full weeks in the Bahamas this summer vacation? Mom and Dad still paying your car insurance and cell phone bills on time?

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