Sure, it won't provide any power to the circuits that are supposed to get power was the intent of my comment.
Shorting where a capacitor was won't provide any power, it will most likely cause a short circuit, potentially resulting in sparks and flames.
I remember a time when you didn't even have to include Reddit to get good Google search results.
Only one man would dare give me the raspberry!
And how would you go about jamming a tether?
Tethers can't be jammed. Electronic warfare is a serious concern.
Did you watch the video? He's wrapping fiber optic cable over a 10mm mandrel with no problems and it's causing no loss. The video is 10 years old at this point too, we've probably progressed further with technology.
Optical fiber is actually quite strong and flexible these days. Especially when bundled with a small kevlar strength member or when armored.
I've got your favorite, a twinkle wiener sandwich
Hehehehe doodoo
They blew off my shins in Vietnam!