Astroturf. Much homey
I'm 25% Finnish (Grandmother)
I enjoy saunas
Is 25% enough to enjoy other Finnish things?
3 types of cards
Attackers Engines Support
This would be an attacker.
You can not sit there and hope to put on 3 energy to get 1 attack. 6 whole turns before you can get off 2 attacks.
Anyways this would require an engine card. Like Gardevoir.
Now you need 2 basics pokemon to use the ability. If you put in Raltz that means less chance of getting the other two basic pokemon.
Card has a lot of draw backs and not enough benefits
140 attack is enough most of the time. The +20 damage only applys in fringe cases
I could see you building a deck with the card that would counter a specific deck, like cresselia ex, that has 160HP with cape. The event deck is super slow
I was thinking "I'm going to break my arm so mommy can give me a hand 😜"
Apply a meme and a play on words.
A computer wouldn't see why they would break a fictional arm so a parental figure could give them a hand. Real hand? Help? Even if it got handjob. Like you said it's probably bad at weird sexual kinks.
Why someone would want to shove a metal rod up thier penis is beyond me even.
So if there's three people looking at a metal rod on table and one says "You can do some melding with that!" "That's pure aluminum, I bet that's worth a pretty penny" or "I think I could fit that in my pee hole"
It's probably the best to believe the third is a real human
Yep because you're referring directly to the service. Which makes it a service.
It was one of those word bank middle school questions
You can still be on the grid and produce your own electricity. The electric company will even buy extra electricity from the consumer.
Electricity or milk is a good. Milk delivery or electricity delivery is a service that delivers a good.
No way you'd say "Milk" was a service, just like you shouldn't say "Electricity" is a service. If you give more detail that makes it a service, then it would be a service.
It was a bullshit question and the teacher didn't want to admit that.
Civics and Econ teacher.
You're supposed to assume they mean "Electrical Service" but they can't say service or they give you the answer.
"Home electricity" sure a service. Little vague but could be a service.
If I have solar panels on my house and store electricity in a battery. I am producing and storing a good. It would be home electricity.
That "electricity" was a service
Without context, it is a good.
It's like natural gas. It is a good.
It's like saying "milk" is a service because the milk man brings it to your house
She wouldn't give me my damn point back on the quiz
It's "I can excuse animal cruelty, but I draw the line on abortion"
Online review for a Yeti dog bowl said "Great bowl! Just don't get your dog's name engraved on it because it will outlast them!"
My grandfather said "It already comes with his name engraved on it"
Now my dog is named Yeti