Sleepers, sleepers, man your bunks. Give the ship a clean sleep down fore and aft. Sleep in all decks, ladder wells, and passageways. Now sleepers.
joined 2 years ago
Poo in the stew? Neelix is gonna be running bridges, and not the starship kind
Also his own brother in law, and a notorious slumlord
Banshees, harlequins, and other kinds of xenos can be silenced easily through the proper application of bolters
Baby humans are adorable though. Baby sharks on the other hand...
Fucking furries
Renaldo thinks that one crab is sexy at least
Unless you're listening live or on vinyl, all music is sampled.
You arrogant ass, you've droned us!
"Fixing your mistakes" aka making your lies about what's in the game actually come true
Find a better vampire girlfriend, that one dies to some dude who randomly hates on chairs
And by "miss" we mean "be moving sideways at sqrt(GM/r)"