I HatE when cApiTal lEtter ALternation doesn't hoLd a hidDEn BUt relevant meSSage, don't You?
The question with this is, after a year or so of this nonsense, are they succeeding in selling AI?
It's pretty fun to play with friends. I think it is still under development though.
Don't expect a polished game or a "good ending" to your space-garbage-corpo-missions
I strongly believe that it happened. It doesn't need to be a "flood of biblical dimensions" but just one terrible enough to convince a few early tribes that it was the end of the world as we know it.
That's mankind lore
Those dudes survived a volcanic eruption that wiped out half of humanity. I guess they still remember it?
Nope, its not Biden. It's America.
Well OP, we did all we can, but I'm afraid we didnt manage to fix your brain.
Of course he is. We are being governed by clowns.
Oh shit, you are right, i read it as 🥪 being an interger. Shit goes deeper and faster.
I needed a t... call it poetic license