There was a tie in Virginia state legislative race a few years ago and they apparently just flip a coin.
They’re worried about setting a precedent? War reparations are pretty fucking precedented. The Treaty of Westphalia had indemnity payments involved.
Also, I got curious and checked: the oldest peace treaty, the Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty of 1259 BC didn’t have any indemnity payments. It would have been funny if reparations were that precedented but sadly, they just basically agreed to stop fighting over Syria and made a mutual defense pact.
When the sands of the hour glass feel like the days of our time.
I’m an American so I get it but everyone needs to relax. Half the world has had online gambling for years and they still manage to have sports. In fact, the data makes it easier to catch people point shaving or whatever. Plus, we already had sports gambling. It was just illegal or done in casinos and racetracks.
It reminds me of people saying “If we legalize marijuana, won’t people drive high?” Yes. Just as often as right now.
I’m not saying gambling is good. I hate being in casinos and only bet on sports here and there — I find betting $1 is as much fun as betting $100 because I want to be proven right more than I want to gamble — but I know people who are problem gamblers. It sucks. But all addiction sucks and usually, harm reduction works better than prohibition.
El-P would clearly be a better VP. Killer Mike belongs at the top of a ticket.
He’s gonna have the money even if he’s cash-poor:
Honestly, working at Hooters for 4 years does demonstrate strong work ethic and reliability. Like 90% of the RNC Chair job is getting dirty old men to give you money and 10% is TV. It’s not a typical career path but she might excel in the role, given the opportunity.
People are definitely going to cover the political, corrupt reasons but one historic reason is that we didn’t have the destruction of WWII in the U.S. Britain’s National Health Service was created in 1946. Germany’s was created during the war in 1941. In many ways, WWII is what created the conditions for universal healthcare in Europe.
In the U.S., we never had an equivalent crisis and so we basically have a non-system made out of kludges and duct tape. There’s no one government program but instead, several programs that were meant to be reforms but just added to the mess. To quote the Census:
Of the subtypes of health insurance coverage, employment-based insurance was the most common, covering 54.5 percent of the population for some or all of the calendar year, followed by Medicaid (18.8 percent), Medicare (18.7 percent), direct-purchase coverage (9.9 percent), TRICARE (2.4 percent), and VA and CHAMPVA coverage (1.0 percent).
And in the end, 92% of people end up covered. It might be shitty coverage and no one likes the mess of programs but sometimes, it takes a true crisis like WWII to make radical reforms.
He’s gonna need a parachute if he flies home on one of his planes.
Don’t let the door hit you on the—oh shit, the door!
A good malicious compliance idea would be to teach actual intellectual diversity and cover how different cultures around the world approach the topic.
I think N64 was my favorite. I have a lot of NES and SNES nostalgia but the 4 player multiplayer on N64 was when I had the most fun playing with friends.