If you say you work in software, a lot of people are like, “The software at my job sucks.” So, I don’t know how much to take seriously and how much is just that everyone kind of hates the indignity of paid labor.
Epic, which most large hospital systems seem to run, has a Linux version but I’ve never seen it in the wild. Every healthcare worker I’ve met loathes Epic — I asked around about it because a doctor and nurse complained about it to me randomly because I’m a developer. I live near some hospitals so I often chit chat with healthcare workers who are neighbors or at bars or whatever. I wouldn’t consider people commiserating about work at a bar to be a representative sample but it seems like complaining about Epic is a thing.
I also don’t know for sure if this is 100% true but healthcare IT people have told me never to work for a hospital because HIPAA violations (like a data breach) can make the IT guy liable for the violations. I looked it up once and it seems like it’s more C-suite people who are actually held liable. (but more likely a CTO or CEO) can be held liable. But the threat is there and having another company to blame is a big reason some institutions use Windows. No one saves you if a Linux vulnerability exposes patient data.
Again, my source is barroom banter and not lived experience. Hopefully, someone with direct knowledge can correct me where I’m wrong.
Besides what everyone else has said, I find the conversations here to be smarter. People who left Reddit are probably just more attuned to what’s happening. There’s probably less diversity of opinion here but that’s a trade I’m willing to make.
Basically, quantity vs. quality. I chose quality. Even on Reddit, I was mostly into smaller subs where experts responded to questions (like AskHistorians or AskPhysics) than the bigger ones. (I was banned from r/relationships for asking why women always think you’re hitting on them when you’re actually recruiting a team of elite female assassins. The mods apparently didn’t think it was funny.)
I find it relaxing but one day, I fell asleep on the beach and my friends put some Cheetos around me and I woke up surrounded by seagulls. That was annoying (even if I thought it was funny).
If identified, they’ll never be able to leave Russia (plus a few other countries) without being arrested and sent to The Hague. Sometimes, it takes awhile and sometimes, a war criminal is never brought to justice (see: Kissinger). But Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova already have arrests warrants out for one war crime (kidnapping Ukrainian children). Putin had to video conference into a BRICS summit because South Africa is one of the 124 countries that recognizes the International Criminal Court.
There’s a fucking corpse with a bullet hole and an eye witness. Plus, settler gangs commit acts of violence pretty much daily. What the fuck else do you think happened if not the thing that happens all the time?
Too many but here’s a few off the top of my head:
- GitHub Pro and Copilot
- ChatGPT
- Linode (I self-host a lot of things but keep Nextcloud off-site for backups)
- YouTube Premium and Nebula
- RadarScope, Windy, and NightSky (astronomy hobby plus I live in NOLA so good weather apps are kind of a must have)
- Feedly
- Bitwarden
- TripIt
- Apple Music
There’s more but as a developer, I try to pay for software. (I mean, if I don’t, who will?) I’ll sail the high seas for some stuff but only if the company pisses me off.
That’s how I want to go out. In millions of years, I want scientists of whatever species that replaces us to find me encased in amber doing the do and say, “This guy fucked.” in a peer reviewed academic journal.
I spent a month there last year (as a digital nomad, offseason, in a cheap AirBnB) and I can report that there is no meth or guns. It seemed less MAGA and more country club conservative where the residents are just rich and half-racist and care about property values more than anything.
By half racist, I just mean people who don’t actively hate but are fine with racism. Like a grandma who wishes no ill-will on anyone but will say problematic things like, “I hope the blacks get it together.” Maybe a dad who likes his black colleagues but would be shook to the core if his daughter dated a black guy.
That was my plan for the eclipse but it’s supposed to be cloudy where I am so we’ll see. I might just sacrifice a goat or something instead.
I read it. It seems real and close to market. They have strategic investment from car companies and the battery charges quickly (5 minutes per 100 miles) while still retaining over 80% capacity after 2000 charges, which is apparently a typical regulation for EVs. Their goal is to get it down to 3 minutes per 100 miles of range so fast charging a car will be about like pumping gas and not a thing where you bring a Kindle or a Switch/SteamDeck to juice up.
I buy a lot of my telescope equipment from Celestron so I got their kit. It was like $2 more than the knockoff brands but I like my eyeballs so went with a company I trust with relatively inexpensive optics.