This was obviously a nasty, weird situation but the public accounting and open reflection on it all is demonstrating one of the main strengths of open source software.
There’s a lot of wealthy people who are cash poor. Giuliani is actually bankrupt — his existing creditors aren’t getting paid back in full — but if your wealth is in unusual real estate investments or privately held companies, it can be challenging to value or sell in the short term. Often, there’s other investors involved and complex contracts and relationships to untangle.
With Trump, it’s unclear if some of his properties would have the same value if Trump wasn’t involved. How do you value a controversial presidential candidate’s real estate? If he doesn’t pay you back and it becomes your hotel, golf course, or whatever, what is it worth? People who own condos in Trump Tower have said their condos are worth less because of his shenanigans. What is that building worth if he loses the election compared to if he wins?
Shhhh. The Swifties can hear you. 🤫🤐 They’re always listening and ready to pounce.
I especially enjoyed the part where the person whined about small oil companies not being able to afford the bond requirements, as if there’s a bunch of mom and pop oil companies out there just trying to get a fair shake.
Wow. I didn’t know white supremacists were still insisting on race being a biological fact. I thought even they’d switched to dumb cultural superiority arguments.
You’d think people obsessed with race would at least read the first thing about it. I guess they’re even dumber than I thought.
Shelbyville Manhattan is spinning in his grave in between his 2 attractive cousins’ graves.
I can relate to the black hole because I also would try to eat nuclear pasta if I were massive enough.
It’s true. America’s newest billionaire is ruthless boss of the Nashville underground, Taylor Swift, leader of the Swifties cartel.
Different strokes for different folks but I wouldn’t want a voice-controlled “smart” brooch if it was free and worked flawlessly.
It also seems like it should be a Bluetooth phone accessory that cost $99 or whatever. I wear a smartwatch so still not for me but maybe if they made it stylish (or just less conspicuous and geeky), it could fill a gap in the market? Some of my friends wear traditional fashion watches, bracelets, etc. and usually leave their phone in their purse. They might like the form factor as a way to stay minimally connected in case the baby sitter calls or whatever.
I don’t know where you put the line to qualify as a democracy but America certainly wasn’t over it before the Civil Rights Act; before that, we were an apartheid state. And if there was a time when Congress was responsive to the will of the people, it ended with Citizens United.
I would classify America as more of a hybrid kleptocracy/democracy. Local elections are mostly democratic. State level? Sometimes. At the federal level, government is not responsive to the will of the people at all.
I’m genuinely hopeful it becomes something. Sometimes, after a bubble bursts, people find out the true upside. Like when the dot com bubble burst, there was suddenly all this super cheap infrastructure and bandwidth. That allowed a lot of innovation.