Yep. I noticed and deleted it.
For the curious, it was a throwaway joke about this being how I found out Iran’s Supreme Leader was breaking up with me. But this is about Iraq so I think we’re still together.
Yep. I noticed and deleted it.
For the curious, it was a throwaway joke about this being how I found out Iran’s Supreme Leader was breaking up with me. But this is about Iraq so I think we’re still together.
People always underestimate the fact that war creates chaos, not whatever your ostensible goal was. The people who “win” a war are gangs, warlords, and extremists. There hasn’t been a war that advanced the original policy goal in like 150 years.
Edit: I know there are exceptions that prove the rule. No one has to be like “What about Kosovo?” or whatever.
Edit 2: Especially the Emu war.
I’d just bring a spray bottle and every time Trump lied, I’d spray him until they ended it.
If only there was a body of literature explaining the theoretical underpinnings of Marxism.
I don’t mean to be a dick. Gramsci is a bit of a tough read but his works are worth reading (or even just getting a summary of). Marx is a philosopher who never did any of the evils of communism. He (and Engels) simply described capitalism and then some ideas on what to change. Were they correct? I don’t know. But I do know my most conservative Econ professors assigned us Marx readings because you cannot understand economics without understanding Marx.
Understanding multiple frameworks (even those you think are wrong) is healthy. I think Ayn Rand blows goats compared to Adam Smith and Marx but I still read enough of her bullshit to know I disagreed. Adam Smith hated absentee landlords more than Marx did.
Edit: I changed Kant to Adam Smith to keep on topic.
The full story is worse. It took her multiple shots to get it done. She should not have a shotgun. She should maybe have a .22 rifle and use it for learning to target shoot.
People who are actually responsible gun owners probably hate her the most. I own no guns because I respect them and live in a city. But I was taught how to use them. My relatives have hunting camps and “harvest” deer and they all know guns are not a joke. You learn to aim before you shoot. We had piles of sand behind targets and started with BB guns. You don’t miss a whole goat.
This isn’t the point but how did she miss a whole goat and dog at point blank range? I own zero guns but I grew up in the South and I’m pretty sure I could hit the wizard in Mario 3 with a shotgun if you let me set up the shot.
The story should be that she’s an insane sociopath. But also, she missed! And she said construction workers were nearby and a school bus was coming. That’s some irresponsible shit. Don’t kill a puppy anyway but definitely don’t if there’s workers and a school bus nearby.
Israel already proudly said they basically dug up buried bodies and did DNA tests to see if any were hostages. I’m not sure it’s in question that it was a mass grave used by the IDF to discard Palestinian bodies.
I had the most elaborate Conky scripts for CrunchBang. That was a fun era for experimentation. Even the closed source OSes were trying new things because of the transition to smartphones.
It’s probably just as fun today but everyone likes the music that came out when they were young and experiencing it for the first time.
Right? I thought we settled this debate circa 1776.
They should add Itamar Ben-Gvir to the list. He’s the worst one.