It’s a joke, dog. It makes it so the page comes out white when printing. It’s not something anyone should actually put in their code.
This is a good point. I obviously said the code was a joke but accessibility is something I was ignorant of early in my career when I was just trying to make the code work. Once I got some experience under my belt, I really focused on it as critical before shipping. And, surprisingly, I was always able to request extra funding for it.
I wonder what’s going to happen to those moths that evolved to be black when England was nothing but smog and misery. Will they evolve to look like Brexit supporters surprised by what everyone told them would happen?
Because they want Trump to win.
I feel like all the “A.I.” safety talk is marketing. They act like they created some Sci Fi shit that could end humanity. It’s much more likely Silicon Valley billionaires donating to people like Trump ends humanity.
I’m not saying generative models are useless. I use them for some stuff. Nothing that justifies the carbon footprint, though, and climate change might end humanity. But fucking Siri on steroids is not my fear about the dangers of “A.I.”
If you buy whatever Brother laser printer, the ink doesn’t dry up and you never have to print anything anyway. It’s like $100 and the cartridge lasts forever.
And also; don’t print. If you’re a developer, put in the css that says:
@media print { body,html {display:none;} }
That might not completely do it because it’s a joke but slap !important or whatever wherever you want.
Uranium isn’t subject to export sanctions because the United States buys a lot from Russia and France gets all theirs from the Sahel region Russia is somehow making worse than a European colony.
I’m pretty sure they have fissile material. I’m not sure they have copper wiring left. It’d be small time theft.
I’m sure they have a lot of nukes but how many have been stripped for parts (by them or for the black market or by spies)? I’m not saying they have zero or that their stockpile isn’t 2nd or 3rd in the world. But the more they mention them, the more I wonder why.
Things like planned obsolescence and software blocks on things like farmers fixing tractors without John Deere’s software permission almost makes me think the bad guys won the Cold War.
Between me and a mechanic friend, we can fix my car but we can’t turn off the (wholly unnecessary) “inspection needed” noise without me spending $1000 on software. Apparently, the inspection needed warning isn’t even related to anything. It just comes on every x miles. The car doesn’t have a detected issue or anything. That beep is radicalizing me.
These things go in cycles. I remember when “Fedora Core” — they dropped the “Core” part of the name — was the cool new distro. I remember when Ubuntu was the cool new distro. Just ignore it and play around with distros until you find one you like.
In my opinion, new users should use a very popular distro so they have documentation and message boards. After a few years, you get your legs under you. At that point, start distro hopping using weird desktop environments. Then, someday, you get a lot of experience and use a very popular distro because software is a tool and you don’t care. (If something has buzz, I throw it in a VM and go “Huh, that’s interesting.”)
It’s sort of like how the target audience for Nike Air Monarchs is people buying their first pair of Nike Airs and dads who aren't trying to hear the word “colorway” and just want some shoes.
Assassinations always lead to terrorist originations disbanding immediately. I’m sure this will usher in a century of peace and prosperity for the Israeli people.
Also, there’s easy tools to help you. I know VS Code has accessibility code linter extensions. I’m not as familiar with Xcode or others but I’d bet there’s something that at least treats it like a code warning if you do something that would make your web site gibberish to screen readers and the like.
We’re pretty much all gonna be disabled at some point. Some of us will piss off the mafia and be sank to the bottom a shallow sea while in our prime. But ideally, we all live to have vision problems or some other need for accessibility to exist.