So is this laetiporous Cincinnatus since it’s at ground level and less yellow?
Soda is gross once you give it up for a long time too! People can start with seltzer if they still need the carbonation. They can’t expect soda replacement from it but after a while it’s what you’ll prefer anyway.
Identifying as one planetary species:
Okay but whose values do we adopt and how do we get everyone on board?
It’s going to be another war. That’s the only thing that makes me wonder if they’re using this all (while it’s still a real phenomenon) as a false flag for their own benefit.
I want this to succeed so badly. I truly feel like it’s going to be sink or swim and will reflect how all enshitification efforts will play out.
Band together now and people see there’s a chance. Fail and we are doomed to corporate greed in every facet of our lives.
No karma to speak of yet still so much karma whoring
That’s fine, they’re the people we don’t want over here. They’re part of Reddits problem.
I bet most Reddit employees are
I read many posts into this sub and I’m not sure if it’s about real birds or if it’s all jokes about posting pics of birds with very convincing but false names.
I’m also high as shit
Anything that ensures honesty and transparency is good in the long term IMO
Anything that ensures honesty and transparency is good in the long term IMO
It’s beautiful and I hope the rest of the internet has a revolution like this.
Idk much about servers or anything but I hope someone finds a good way to replace YouTube next
What’s the acceptable number of murders for you in this scenario?