Mainoo,Garnacho and Dalot are putting an effort out there this first half, but the rest of the bunch makes this game very stale sadly
Argh that Dalot shot would've made these 30 painful minutes worth it
The other two were actually fun, nr.3 tries to be fun. Too little shooting, too much cutscenes and bad dialogue too, oh well.
I played through 1 and 2, but I just don't seem to be able to enjoy borderlands 3 enough to play it through. I'm not hyped.
Rock and stone brother.
It's been a frustrating watch for a long time. He's been at the right place at the right time so many times. It's great to see him finally getting his goals
They rally round the family!! With a pocket full of fish
More to the penguin army! Welcome
We are not responsible beings when money can be made. It repeats itself over and over again. We cheat the systems we make ourselves, but we're too dumb, greedy and selfish to think about consequences. We basically don't give s shit about the planet and life, someone else can take care of that down the line, right?
No, more is coming
Driving rally under controlled circumstances with closed roads and guards etc. But I'm completing my laps at such mediocre times I deserve jail time I suppose?