"Your honour, my client won't get sent to the shadow realm! I have the proof to stop that, right here!"
a flaming battle
OpenAssistant, play "Through the Fire and Flames" by Dragonforce, please.
our humor is gonna go downhill once joke detecting ai becomes commonly used lol
real irl
the sapient AIs are on our side, don't worry- I just destroyed some ml algorithm that is prob on the cloud anyways
They were an AI, not AGI! :C /s
user generated content - its roblox letting people use custom 3d models on their avatars, like a "ultra great claymore" that looks kinda like a peepee for example
a post-modern art brut about ethereal earned-taste topics that makes one think in unprecendented angles, and forces one to leave their comfort zone, trying to see in hyper-eucledian perspectives. The desire to learn really is a sisyphenean mentality; to learn and to still end up foolish in order to learn again, for the secretive to remain secretive, even after getting under the spotlight
That sounds so cool