
joined 11 months ago
[–] Seigest 1 points 5 months ago

I'll be taking a week or two off from the reread. unfortunately other projects are getting busy and this one is lower priority. trying to do everything at once is causing eye strain/headaches.

Reread log. 117 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

08/12/10 - "Attempt 2x transition combo.” (/homestuck/2407) to 08/19/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2442)"

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We got a sneak peek of a weird character cleaning a discarded faygo bottle off of the beach. And we also know that caligulasAquarium [CA] is one of the 2 trolls we’ve yet to meet. We know they are kind of an asshole. So now it’s time to meet them.

Eridan Ampora. We meet him riding a seahorse while armed with a neat blue harpoon gun. He is above a vast ocean while a storm ages on around him (yet there’s no waves?”). A huge white whale breaches the ocean and charges at him. He doges and shoots the whale with a huge blast of the rifle. The whale falls back into the sea, probably dead.

As this is a double introduction we cut to cuttlefishCuller [CC], the last troll to meet. Her name is Feferi Peixes. She is under the sea and a dead whale has landed on the surface above her. She captures the whale in a net and drags it to the dark depth of the ocean. Tentacles rise from the darkness and the whale is consumed by a creature about 1000 times bigger than it. A tentacle monster the size of a small town. These had been Lusus, though we don't know who the whale belonged to, the tentacle creature belongs to Feferi. Eridan’s Seahorse is his lusus. They return to their hives.

Feferi lives on the ocean floor. Eridan’s hive is a pirate ship crashed onto an island. His hive is covered in piles of gold and gems. He's got some viking wizard statues, harpoon guns, maps, and some books. He says he is nearly of the highest blood color, simular purple to Gamzee. He is from a line of sea dwellers, genetically distinct from other trolls. This likely refers to the fins coming out of his cheeks.

Eridan’s openly genocidal, wanting to kill all land dwellers. This being anyone who isn't Feferi and himself. We learned he had commissioned a doomsday device from Vriska to accomplish this, though that plan failed. He has an interest in Military History and Legendary Conquerors. He’s based his personality off of this.

Feferi’s hive is full of sea creatures, cuttlefish and sea ponies. There's a bunch of bird cages (for cuttlefish). Her blood color is fuchsia. This is apparently the highest one. I had assumed it was Gamzee for some reason, but it's apparently Feferi. She is the Heir apparent to be the empress. This would normally make her the target of assassination attempts from the current empress, but her gigantic lusus is protecting her, for now. Her lusus is called The Rift's Carbuncle, Emissary To The Horrorterrors, or Speaker of The Vast Glub.

However, as she's aware the game will soon doom everyone, any royal aspirations are doomed with it. But she’d want to make a point of caring for all of the unfit and infirm, and wildlife. Though her idea of caring seems to be more like imprisonment as it's what she is trying to do with the cuttlefish. Fortunately her bird cages dont secure them. Unlike Eridan, she wants to reunite with the land dwellers.

Till tomorrow, ensure your pet fish have appropriate housing, and keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 116 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

08/09/10 - "Kanaya: Deal with your own crisis.” (/homestuck/2386) to 08/12/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2406)"

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Last time we learned that after entering the medium Kanaya had to deal with something and leave her team. It seems we won't get to know what that was yet as we now meet Kanaya shortly after the crisis she had was resolved. She is in her room, her lusus sprite next to her.

As she is hosting Vriska she can see everything she is doing, including the things she just did with Travos. Possibly only the kiss as she was very shocked and pissed off by seeing that. She apparently even helped Vriska make the dress that she had been wearing. She repeats the same odd line caligulasAquarium [CA] said before. “Being a kid and growing up. It's hard and nobody understands.”

We are then given the explanation of how Troll relationships work and what all the weird words mean. I'll try to sum it up. Humans only have one kind of romantic relationship represented with the heart ♥(red). I think this is a horribly simplified view of human romance but let’s just roll with it.

Trolls experience 4 different kinds of relationships, presented as quadrants.

♥ ♦

♠ ♣

  • Top left is the flushed quadrant, relationships in here are Matesprits ♥. This is what humans typically experience. With both humans and trolls is “playing a role in the reproductive cycle”. It's described as being “Concupiscent”, possessing more sexual desire. As it's red it is a positive relationship. The example given is John's Dad and Rose’s Mom, it's been implied though I guess this confirms it.

  • Bottom left is the caliginous (dark or dim) quadrant. These relationships in here are Kismesis ♠. As it is a black it's a negative relationship, a dark Romance based on hate. If the hate between two people is strong enough it leads to a strong romantic connection. It is also concupiscent and plays a role in reproduction. The example given is Jack and the Queen.

As an aside we are given an explanation on troll reproduction. At least the parts that are different then the human reproduction. For an explanation on human reproduction I recommend you ask your parents, guardians, or google it. For trolls an Imperial Drone is sent to them and they need to provide “genetic material” for a bucket. Failure to provide results in death. I’ll let you use your imagination on what material is required. The buckets contain the “incestuous slurry” of all trolls and is given to the mother grub, Kanaya’s lusus. This is likely related to the weird orb Kanaya pulled from its dead corpse.

  • Bottom right is the ashen quadrant, relationships in here are Auspistice ♣. This does not play a role in reproduction as it can be like being the “third wheel” in an existing relationship. Conciliatory relationships act as mediators to help to resolve conflicts . The example given is Kanaya being an auspistice for Vriska and Travos. It is further explained that these auspistice are needed. As all these relationships are volatile. A Matesprit can switch into a Kismesis leading to mass infidelity and conflict. It's not mentioned, but since this is a black relationship it is a negative one. IT seems the role takes a toll on those in it.

  • Lastly top right is the pale quadrant, relationships in here are Moirallegience ♦. This one also does not play a role in reproduction. It is also a Conciliatory relationship. This is more like a platonic relationship. The example given is Nepeta and Equius, Nepeta is the Moirail. The moirail needs to pacify another troll. This is for trolls who may be particularly dangerous or violent. A Moirallegience can work both ways personalities can complement each other. These can also be confused for Matesprits. Much like human relationships this situation causes issues. A second example is provided with the 2 trolls we’ve yet to meet. caligulasAquarium [CA] and cuttlefishCuller [CC] are another example of a Moirallegience. We’re shown CA clearly wants a Matesprits relationship with CC. this is unrequited, thus the relationship is in constant flux.

We are given more hints on the current status of trolls. This unrequited situation was the situation with Kanaya’s feelings towards Vriska. As that failed she became the Auspistice for Vriska’s relationship with Travos. It hints she will also become Auspistice for a relationship between Vriska and CA. That may be a future thing.

We had been told of this before. Just very poorly by Karkat to John. This was a conversion between him and John way back on page 1603 I think?. The point he was trying to make is that Troll romance is way more complicated than human romance. Also John is an idiot for not understanding this apparently very complicated subject. But trolls are apparently all diehard romantics. They believe that someone is out there waiting for them in each of these quadrants. I’ll remind you failure to find love is literally a death sentence. so this belief is a little more understandable.

Till tomorrow, this doesn't give you credits towards a sociology degree, so keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 115 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

08/06/10 - "And again, in time...” (/homestuck/2366) to 08/08/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2385)"

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Later we see Travos entering a ruin. His ability to commune with animals works on the underlings as a band of them are travelling with him. He is solving some puzzles though Vriska finds this boring.

Vriska has been scheming a way to “help” Travos get an advantage and skip ahead in the game. She provides him with a map to a great treasure horde. This seems familiar to Terezi “helping” John skip ahead in the game and nearly getting him killed. Travos is skeptical. But, Vriska claims to have used her mind-reading ability on his underling friends to find this secret. Travos wants to ask the others but Kanaya and Karkat are both busy. So Travos agrees to Vriska’s plan. She also makes him dress like Pupa Pan.

This led him into the second gate, and Vriska’s hive in the Land of Maps and Treasure and The Thief of Light. Much like John and Roses meeting, Travos smashes through her wall with his rocket chair. Vriska is asleep though she has fairy wings and some kind of white dress. Vriska wakes up, apparently only pretending to be asleep. She is in roleplay mode, as the hero pupa pan has come to take her on an adventure. With his rocket chair crashed Travos is just laying on the floor unable to really do much. So the torment begins. She tosses some “magic glitter power” at his face which only seems to make him dizzy. She comments on how useless he is. She then grabs and kisses him to make him think happy thoughts. This only confuses the hell out of him. She uses mind control to make him more.. wanting. This seems to make him madly desire her. But, she doesn't really seem to want that either and tosses him back onto the floor.

It’s clear she had other intentions here. Vriska is a character that instantly needs to be loved. She sees Travos not only does not seem to like or trust her, but the others hate her for what she did to him. Perhaps she saw romancing him as a way to get back into everyone's good graces. Though when seduction failed she opted for mind control. This was frustrating as it supports her perceptions that she isn't loved.

Till tomorrow, beware seducers, and keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 114 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

08/03/10 - "Kanaya: Return to room.” (/homestuck/2344) to 08/06/10 - "Tavros: Fly, Pupa!!!!!!!!” (/homestuck/2365)"

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We’ve been following Kanaya. She's been “meddling” with the last 2 trolls we’ve yet to meet cuttlefishCuller [CC] and caligulasAquarium [CA]. Also her lusus had died, and she removed the Matriorb from its corpse.

Kanaya returns to her hive. She doesn't want to be a Meddler. With this game she wishes to use her knowledge to become a real helper. She has the clouds providing her with some visions. But she has another source, the game FAQ micro server that Rose sent to the realm beyond the medium. It seems time there is not linear. She believes that the server is written by an ancient alien race. But, we know this would not be put into the realm of the old gods until much later. Kanaya is confident the writer and their co-players will have succeeded. She Imagines their leader is Rose, but as a troll, doing awesome magic.

Travos entered the game with Vriska as his host. One role of the host is to build their player base up so that they can reach the gates. Vriska has done this with stairs. Obviously this is useless to Travos for obvious reasons. Vriska had apparently “saved” Travos by logging in and getting him into the medium. She now feels justified in demanding Travos get over his disability (that she created). She seems to believe that Travos’s spine can just be fixed if he somehow muscles through it. She then demands he apologize to her for being disabled.

He refuses. His spine is broken but he still has one. Though Vriska doesn't understand what ‘no’ means and proceeds to try and force him out of his chair. Fortunately, Vriska’s own host is Kanaya. Upon hearing of the bullying threatens Vriska with her own toilet. She strongly suggest Travos will need ramps. Also she may accidentally dump the contents of the toilet onto Vriska’s head. Vriska decides to comply.

As Kanaya cleans Vriska's room (I’d have done the same) Vriska retrieves a pair of rocket boots she happened to keep in her vault of plundered goods. Using some alchemy she gives the code to Travos, who combines the boots with his chair. This gives Travos a sick rocket chair he uses to easily get to the first gate.

Till tomorrow, Fly dear reader! Also, keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 113 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/31/10 - "And pages and pages and pages.” (/homestuck/2322) to 08/03/10 - "Kanaya: Answer CA.” (/homestuck/2343)"

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We start today with grimAuxiliatrix [GA]. She is one of 3 trolls we’ve yet to meet. We have seen her in a few scenes though. She was talking primarily with Rose and even managed to best her in a battle of social wits. GA was also seen removing Travos’s paralyzed legs with a chainsaw. She isn't great with technology, as she has leaned on Sollux to help her with using computers.

We learn her real name is Kanaya Maryam. Unlike other trolls, Kanaya can go outside during the day. It seems the sun above Alternia is too bright for most trolls. Daytime is also when hordes of undead rise from the sands. Kanaya’s chainsaw helps with this but she tries to avoid them. She spends the day tending to her landscaping and topiary hobby. She mentions she dreams of “puffy oracles”. She also likes to read about “rainbow drinkers”, “shadow droppers” and forbidden passion. Her blood is jade green in color. Though this isn't high in the hemospectrum based hierarchy, it's a special position. Her lusus is the “Virgin Mother Grub”. We learned in an earlier conversation that the other trolls hold this lusus in high regard. Also different from Kanaya, she loves aesthetics and colors. The trolls we’ve met so far only care about blood color and have otherwise been pretty drab. Kanaya loves fashion and plants. Her room is decorated with fabrics and flowers. She also seems to have access to advanced technology like the Wardrobifyer. Her room somewhat resembles Jade's tower though we haven't seen much of it yet. We did see the outside of it briefly in a false intro. It looks like the section of Jade's room that her dreambot self-destructed. She mentions the hive was a ruin dug out of the sand by her lusus. The ruins are not from Alternia but from another world she has seen only in her dreams.

Firstly she equips her ~~chainsaw~~ lipstick. This, being a reference to Problem Sleuth where weapons were often stored as random items. So “The thing you saw is not the thing you think you saw”. In this case the chainsaw is just lipstick, until it needs to be a chainsaw, and her Strifespec is Makeup Kind. As her outfit is randomly changing, she is being pestered by cuttlefishCuller [CC]. Notice her laptop is the same Squiddles lunchbox laptop Jade was using. CC is not a troll we have met yet, we haven't even seen their pester handle until this time.

CC is friendly to Kanaya. So far it seems everyone is. CC is the sign of pisces, the one with 2 fish. This may be why she “glubs” when excited. CC is very excited about getting into the game. She will be entering late after her “moirail”. Again, this word hasn't been defined yet. But I know it will be later. we can assume it is a relationship of some level, and based on context it's somewhat of a solemate or romantic thing. Kanaya also has one. They mention they will lose contact with their moirails shortly for a time. But see them again later. Though they are pretty vague on the details, it mentioned that Kanaya see’s hers from the clouds.

After this Kanaya goes to see her lusus in its final moments. But, she is too late as it seems to have died peacefully in front of her hive. She had made a bargain with it. She proceeds to cut into here lusus’s corpse with her chainsaw and removes an orb. The orb is covered in small troll forms from the creature. She stores this in her Chastity Modus. The item, a “matriorb”, is locked until Kanaya can find a key to unlock it. She is nearly overcome with a strong urge to drink the blood of her lusus, but seems to resist it. She then decides to meddle with her moirail. This is apparently Vriska. This was the conversation from page 2204. This was the one where she tells Vriska her lusus will die soon. Also that she wants to keep an eye on Vriska to keep everyone safe.

Before she can move on she is pestered by someone. The last of the trolls we have yet to meet caligulasAquarium [CA]. Surprise, it's another asshole. They are the zodiac of aquarius and have salty mouth. CA is demanding Kanaya have Vriska unblock him so he can talk to her. He was the one who had commissioned her to build the massive doomsday. The device that had eventually killed her lusus. He wants to use it to kill all land dwellers. Kanaya points out she hasn't really been motivated to help him. She certainly isn't interested in helping him get a device that would kill her and everyone else. She also points out that the planet will be destroyed by the game anyway. CA seems to have been mostly out of the loop about all this, and is grouchy about it. Kanaya decides to meddle and suggests that CC was talking about how she feels about CA. This really seems to get his attention but she refuses to give him any details of the conversation. He says something about how it's hard to be a kid and grow up before ending the convo. I don't really know what he means by this, or how it's related to the conversation.

Till tomorrow, do some cloud watching, and keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 112 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/29/10 - "Karkat: Be in cahoots with Jack.” (/homestuck/2306) to 07/31/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2321)"

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Jack presents Operation Regisurp, a plan that will need Karkat’s whole team to put in place. This includes mind control powers. Unlike the queen of the kids' world, the queens for the trolls have rings of 12 fold power. All the lusus they’ve prototypes are now part of the dark queen's powers. She can take on all these weird freaky augments. but one thing addition she cant handle, frogs, she despises them. This is why frogs are contraband across the kingdom. The frogs hail a god of a few different names. We'll stick with "Bilious Slick". Since Aradia has prototyped the frog ruins, the queen now refuses to wear the ring of power. She's sealed it in the royal vault.

We're told this operation will succeed. The black queen will become the Banished Quasiroyal living in the wastelands. This is very much like the Windswept Questant. Yet, once in the wastelands she’ll encounter Doc Scratch and get a new purpose. The assumption the trolls had is that the red and blue teams would have a queen to defeat. Each team would be able to help each other to jointly achieve victory in these separate tasks. But this wasn't the case. The prototypes of the red team affected the underlings that the blue team would fight as vice versa. Each team also appeared to have its own set of mystical frog ruins. But in reality there was only one session. All 12 trolls were on the same team from the beginning. They just didn't know it. In this case the players were allowed to create 2 separate chains. 2 players entered the game separately and formed chains of 6 players, the red and blue teams. But the 2 chains would be connected in something called the “Mobius Double Reach Around”. This would link Sollux to Karkat and Equis to grimAuxiliatrix [GA], one of 3 trolls we’ve yet to meet.

This log is a little short. A lot of this was explained with diagrams that are tricky to explain. The very TLDR version of this is. Jack has presented himself to Karkat. Much like in the session with the kids Jack wants to murder the monarchy. But in this session he is a little less ambitious and power hungry. He presents Karkat with a lengthy plan to kill the black queen. Both teams need to work together to accomplish this goal, they are both on the same side in the same game. This means, as Aradia had been telling everyone, the teams do not matter. There's no “leaders”. All the bickering, betrayals, and fighting had been pointless.

Till tomorrow, get along, we’re all in this mess together. and keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 111 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/27/10 - "Karkat: Recruit Vriska.” (/homestuck/2296) to 07/28/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2305)"

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Vriska has just had to put her lusus down. Her luck has been terrible and her plan to gain Aradia’s favour with a gift has completely gone. With all this she’s also been kicked off the blue team. She’s now going to have to join the red team with a lot of people who she dislikes.

Karkat messages Vriska to recruit her. Though she doesn't have much choice in the matter. Karkat is a little less sympathetic to her situation. He suggests she just “dump” her dead lusus into the sprite, clean the blood off and get into the game. She retorts with an accusation about him hiding his blood color. All the other trolls have their blood color as their font color, his font is grey. He mentions that it's no one's business and he doesn't need to wear his color “on his sleeve”. That is a bit on the nose.

Karkat tells Vriska she needs to get Travos into the game. She protests this, because she hates Travos. There was never any reason given for why Vriska hates Travos and Karkat questions this. He suspects they have a “dark romance” or “Kismesis”. This is denied, Karkat gives a lecture about how trolls only experience pity or hate for each other that determines their relationships. He says Vriska only has a mild hate towards everyone so she cant real relationships like a “Moirail” or “Matesprite”. We are not told what these words mean yet but it will be explained later. Karkat gets called out for watching too many romance movies and is told to get to his damn point.

Karkat needs Virska to get Travos in then herself. He needs her mind powers to help him with some kind of double agent. A game character named Jack. Jack as we know from previous acts is not as terrible in this world. Here he is performing the same role as the Wayward vagabond was for John. Though in most other ways he is the same, and eventually becomes Spades Slick.

It’s shown to us now that Karkat had been having this whole conversation with Jack awkwardly standing behind him. Also Karkat is nursing a stab wound. We learn Karkat blood seems to be all the colors?. This is to hide his blood color to the reader.

It seems Jack wants to work with Karkat to overthrow the black queen. Apparently their meeting was violent, as Jack's stabbing is like a “hello”. But Karakt is cool with him despite having been stabbed. He’s been given intel about the queen's weakness. Vriska is wondering what his blood color is but with Terezi being his host no one can actually see him. She mentions there should be a way to see past and future events in the game, and Karakt mentions Sollux may be working on that.

We are given a flashback of Jack and Karkats meeting. Jack only stabbed Karakt because he was talking too damn much. Apparently the sight of his own blood freaked Karakt out, he was trying to hide it and mostly concerned about hiding it from Jack. We’re now shown the real blood color on Jack's knife. Karkat's blood is red. Jack has no idea why this would concern anyone.

Karkat explains he is the only one with this candy red blood. It makes him a complete outcast in the hemospectrum based hierarchy. We can assume this is the lowest level on the spectrum. Jack doesn’t care about any of that and just wants him to shut up. So Jack slices his hand and reveals his blood is also red. Karkat shuts up and shakes Jack's hand. They are allies now.

Till tomorrow, sometimes a stab wound is a sign of a friendly greeting, so keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 110 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/17/10 - "In the aftermath of more recent misfortune...” (/homestuck/2268) to 07/27/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2294)"

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The last few pages had been a flashback. Well technically this entire act is a flashback. Prior to it a doomsday device was triggered when Equius got angry and smashed one of his bots into it. The result was that both his and Virsika’s Lusus had been killed. Well nearly...

Equius’s Lusus Aurthor the milk providing centaur is very dead. We see Equius crouched over it with a sprite nearby waiting to be prototyped.

Virsika’s giant spider Lusus survived, but was fatally injured. She had to use her dice to put it down. Fortunately it was a good roll of her dice. This summoned a giant guillotine to finish the job. Though it also caused the canyon to cave in further causing Equius’s hive to fall. However, it is taken to the medium before it can crash into the canyon floor and into Vriska.

It seems this was the work of Aradia. She was the player hosting for Equius. This last minute save made Vriska.. Angry? She rushes back to her PC to complain to Aradia. This early entry into the game messed up her plan. Equius will no longer be able to deliver the AradiaBot to her. Though he was planning to not do that anyway.

Vriska freaks out that her plan was to give Aradia so they could be friends again, but Aradia probably knew all this was going to happen and didn't care. Aradia emotionlessly states this is true, she is dead and it doesn't matter. If they had been friends, she can't actually remember.

Aradia tells Vriska that she isn’t a co-leader and isn't even on the blue team, she needs to be on the red team, after she “wakes up”. Vriska believes this is revenge for the whole murder thing, but Aradia doesn't actually care about that. She just knows that Vriska needs to be on the red team and that the teams don't even matter. Vriska is of course in full rage mode over these developments.

Equius had just arrived in the Land of Caves And Silence. Author is back in sprite form, no utter or hooves, just a jacked chest and manly mustache. Good for him!. Equius confidently tells Aradia that he is now the leader of the blue team. He has no idea how this game works, so Aradia tells him, sure, he’s “leader” now, why not. He is flustered by this obedience from her. She tells him that she is his “server” which flusters him even further. Though once she explains what “server” means in the context of the game he realizes she is the one in control. This puts him at peak flustered.

Aradia helps him calm down by smashing a bathtub through his wall. He loves this and demands she do it again. With this feeling of subordination filling him, Equius pledges to get to the second gate as fast as possible to give Aradia her new robot body. He also asks that she be the leader of the Blue team. He really likes being her subordinate. His feelings for her are pretty obvious, but she doesn't really give a damn as she is dead and also now half frog.

With now building necessary Equius just jumps like 100 feet into the air over his hive and into the first gate. He then finds the second gate without any issues punching massive underlings to death as he goes. Within what seemed like probably a few minutes he delivers Aradiabot.

Entering the bot Aradia freaks out. Equius had implanted a chip in the bot's heart to give her romantic feelings for him. She promptly rips the heart out of the bot, destroys it then savagely beats the living crap out of Equius… then they make out?? Well that’s fucked up.

Hosting Aradia is Nepeta, meaning she is seeing all of this go down in utter confusion. It seems Nepeta has a whole wall of her cave dedicated to tracking relationships between the trolls. She calls this the Shipping Wall.

Till tomorrow… No I'm too grossed out for a stinger line. No wonder this fandom is weird. ugk.

Reread log. 109 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/16/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2252) to 07/17/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2267)"

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We learned that Vriska had not only broken Travos spine, but murdered Aradia. She wasn't alone in this. This girl with the power to manipulate others had herself been manipulated. An omniscient third party with no name and white text had been messaging her. We’ve been calling them the blank one, but his name is Doc Scratch.

Scratch is in a green tinted room with a sort of old fashioned Victorian mansion vibe to it. He is wearing a pure white tux, with a green undershirt and bowtie. He’s phasing into a familiar green lightlining. His head is just a pure white sphere. Around him are 2 miniature versions of the battleground of Skaia, one the cube and the spherical version nearby. He also has a typewriter and holstered pistol on a nearby chair.

He’s described as an officer for Lord English. His job is to destroy the universe so that Lord English can come into it. This will bring about something called The Great Undoing.

If you've been paying attention you might notice guys Lord English is mentioned in the intromission sequence with the Midnight Crew. This was Spades Slick's key target but he failed to even see him. I’ll also note that Lord English’s name is spelt differently by Doc Scratch. The o in Lord, is now a gif of various pool balls.

Scratch is apparently the “First Guardian” of Alternia. This is what grants him omniscience and the ability to facilitate the planet's purpose. It mentions every planet has a first guardian and they come in various forms. He also has a specific genetic sequence in common with all other first guardians of all other planets supporting intelligent life.

I’ll point out a theory here. I probably didn't piece this together in my first read. Doc Scratch, is related to Jade's Dog Becquerel (Bec). Bec must therefore be the first guardian of earth. As Doc is guiding Vriska, Bec is guiding Jade. Though since Bec cannot speak, we dont know its motivations.

That audience isn't able to control Doc, though at this point I'm not sure the audience was even playing any character or if Hussie had taken full control. I honestly never cared. For this scene Doc's actions are only speculated on by the writer.

It seems he’s concerned Vriska is getting harder to control. He plays games with her but lately she is nearly winning, he doesn't know how. At this point he receives a message on his typewriter. This is even more concerning as his account shouldn’t even be listed, and the others shouldn't even know about him. It’s from Terezi. Before she can really say anything he deducts that she had Sollux trace his account and open the line of communication. This must still be in the context of the flashback as it seems to be shortly after the death of Aradia.

He hints that Aradia is not as dead as they think. Terezi isn't sure what to make of that but tells Doc that he will help her with revenge once she provides a tip to him. That tip is that Vriska has been cheating in the games she has been playing with him. She will tell him why in exchange for his help.

Before doing this, Terezi has one last chat with Vriska before she has doc kill her. Though not surprisingly Vriska thinks Terezi is bluffing and has no way to kill her. Terezi suggests Vriska consult her artifact. It seems before she switched to crappy magic 8 balls she had acquired an actual magic cue ball. With her 8 fold vision ability she could use it to tell the future. This Cueball of course belonged to Doc Scratch. By using it she was able to predict even his moves.

Terezi tells doc scratch about the CueBall which makes him pretty pissed off. Vriska was gazing into the cue ball for answers on how Terezi plans to kill her, the cue ball only states “I will explode in your face”. It then does so, presumably by Docs command. This destroys Virsika’s arm and her eye. Obviously as this is a flashback we know this doesn't actually kill her.

Till tomorrow, always expect vengeance for your misdeeds, and keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 108 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/14/10 - "Moments earlier...” (/homestuck/2236) to 07/15/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2251)"

Select this thingy to read my commentary

We are moments before a doomsday had exploded outside of her hive. Vriska is on a tirade of “meddling” with the other trolls. So Vriska is now chatting with Terezi. Terezi is now on the roof of her treehive, she is battling imps with a more battle ready version of her cane. She now has glasses that project a holographic screen so she can chat hands free. I’m not sure how she is seeing that screen.

Vriska tells Terezi that she is terminating their truce for the duration of the game. The truce was an agreement between them to not back stab each other. For Vriska this included not using her powers on anyone who didn't deserve it. This is apparently related to whatever happened to Aradia. Terezi mentions that whatever Vriska did to her broke Aradia’s brain. This implies that Vriska potentially murdered Aradia somehow. Vriska feels the gift she is going to give Aradia, a robot made by Equius, will absolve her of whatever it is she did. Terezi was the other half of “Team scourge”. Terezi believed they were taking “bad guys” to Vriska’s spider lusus to eat. But Vriska was just feeding anyone to it. Terezi was very good at breaking people down and using headgames. Manipulation without powers is something Vriska finds powerful. Vriska then just lambasts Terezi for not offering any kind of forgiveness or trust. The convo ends with Vriska hearing an explosion and avalanche outside. This was the doomsday device going off.

We flashback to just shortly after Vriska breaks Travos’s spine. We see Terezi, she isn't wearing the red glasses so this is from before she had been blinded. Her room looks more like Vriska’s with a FLARP poster, character sheets on the wall and some dice on her desk. Terezi is chatting with Aradia about Travos. Aradia is mad about the incident. She suspects Equius will never give Travos prosthetics out of hate for his blood color. She wants vengeance and to make Vriska pay. Apparently Aradia is immune to Vriska’s powers. But, Terezi warns her against taking action, powers or not Vriska is still dangerous. They also mentioned that they failed to help Travos because they were distracted. Someone associated with Vriska prevented them from coming to his aid. Someone who has “playing her” and is potentially even more dangerous. They agree to not take action for now.

Aradia isn't satisfied though and the voices of the dead are calling out to her loudly. She has powers of her own. She summons the ghost of all those she has fed to her spider to haunt her. Vriska is feeling all this, and it's freaking her out. The blank person reaches out to her. They tell Vriska she needs to kill Aradia. We also learn they’d played a role in hurting Travos, but the goal was to kill him as well. They tell her that all they are doing is giving Vriska the opportunities. These are things that she actually wants to do anyway. They claim they haven't convinced her to actually do anything at all.

Blank's motives are to bring about the events which will allow their employer to enter into the universe. They’re acting as a linchpin, and subtly altering things to get the desired results. Blank claims they are omniscient (knowing everything). But, they also have gaps in their knowledge. This doesn't make much sense. But he seems to know a lot of things Vriska doesn't so she has to believe him.

Vriska, plans to use someone who she only has limited control over to do what she needs to do. She messages Aradia to tell her that her boyfriend is waiting outside for her. Aradia suspects it's a trick, but falls for it anyway. It seems she was with Sollux at this time. Aradia sees Sollux floating over to her hive. He holds his glasses in one hand, and a bunch of mind honey in the other. We’ve seen that when Sollux consumes mind honey his eyes blast out a powerful laser with massively destructive potential. We can only assume that this completely atomized Aradia. This left her hive as nothing more than the foundation that she presently sits in.

Vriska had used mind control on Sollux to kill Aradia.

Till tomorrow, maybe don't walk into obvious traps, also keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 107 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/13/10 - "Vriska: Be in cahoots with Equius. Cahoooooooots.” (/homestuck/2222) to 07/14/10 - "======>” (/homestuck/2235)"

Select this thingy to read my commentary

So far of all the trolls we’ve met it seems like these 2 may be the worst. So far at least. Vriska is an utter psychopath who only seems to take joy in the misery of others. Also, Equius is a creepy muscle head . He's obsessed with “pure bloodlines”, very demanding towards others. They live close to each other and have very similar blue blood colors.

It seems they are pretty cordial with each other. Vriska has commissioned Equius to make a gift for Aradia. Equius considers Aradia a lower blood, and doesn't approve of working with her. But Vriska tells him to mind his own damn business, she had made a promise of some sort with Aradia. This present will help in the plan to take leadership from Sollux. This will in turn help Vriska to take leadership from her.

Vriska and Equius want all the trolls to be led by those of the “highest” bloods. They are exempting Gamzee who is apparently of the highest blood among them. They are also exempting the “underwater freaks”. It seems they have an agreement but don't actually trust each other.

Vriska attempts to read Equius’s mind and he in turns slaps her with her own robotic arm. He made this arm for her and seems to have control of it in order to keep her in line.

Equius is planning to double cross Vriska . He reveals the gift for Aradia is a robotic version of her. This could be handy for a ghost. He plans to deliver it himself to gain her favor and bypass Vriska in a run for leadership. Neither of them know that Aradia isn't actually leading anything. They are just wasting time.

He gushes a bit about the AradiaBot and how he’s built it to perfection. He’s creepy and Pygmalion about it. He feels that if she inhabits a robotic body then her blood will no longer be impure. In a moment of creepy passion with the not yet active AradiaBot he freaks out at one of his battle bots. He smashes it through a wall and into the giant doomsday device outside.

This was a device that Vriska had built and had hanging in the canyon between her hive and Equius’s. It's called the Catenative Doomsday Dice Cascader. It looks a bit like an old board game called Trouble. This has more pop dice, and is like 60 meters in diameter. This device appears in Problem sleuth as well and is explained there. It can cause up to 50 trillion points of damage, but also only deal 1 point. It's up to luck. In this case it activates and after a lot of crazy effects, the machine just dies. But, all the jostling caused the machine to fall into the canyon. It then explodes killing Vriska’s giant spider, Lusus. Also Equius’s Lusus Author, then fell into the canyon for some reason, and also probably died.

— Till tomorrow, Don’t leave your doomsday devices in precariously stupid locations. also keep riding the pumpkin tide.

Reread log. 106 (self.homestuck)
submitted 5 months ago by Seigest to c/homestuck

Today I’m reading.

07/11/10- "Vriska: Check on lusus.” (/homestuck/2205) to 07/13/10 - "Equius: Talk to friend/enemy.” (/homestuck/2221)"

Select this thingy to read my commentary

Vriska has been trying to meddle in everyone's business. But it seems she's been the one getting meddled with. A “friend” grimAuxiliatrix [GA] has just informed her that her lusus is doomed to die soon. She is now going to check on her lusus.

It seems Vriska's hive is some sort of tall structure. She needs to descend down “millions” of stairs to reach her lusus nest. She passes a huge contraption hanging outside. She explains it was a doomsday device she had built for a member of the nautical aristocracy. We’ve seen some nautical trolls briefly, perhaps one of them?

Reaching the near bottom of her hive, Vriska finds her lusus. A gigantic spider, it looks to be about 70m tall, and healthy. We see her hive is a building on top of a canyon. It's about as big as Karkats. The spider's nest is at the bottom of the canyon under the hive. On the other side of the canyon is another hive.

Vriska's neighbour it seems is centaursTesticle [CT]. Who we now have to be introduced to. As we saw before his room is covered in robots, broken bows, and naked pictures of muscle bound centors. His name is Equius Zahhak he’s obsessed with strength.

He talks about wanting to join some noble group of Ruffiannihilators and Archeradicators. But he’s unable to actually use a bow properly as he destroys every bow he tries to use. He describes it as “fetishistic” as Vriska did with her 8-balls.

He says the priceless masterpieces around his room are of Nude Musclebeast. These are apparently local creatures Equius finds their strength to be stunning. And tosses a comment about how those of “lesser bloodlines” are unable to appreciate art.

When he is angry, which is often he goes into violent rages. His robots are designed to fight him and give him a target to focus his violence on. His lusus is also his butler, one who milks himself to give Equius to give something to drink… damn that's just wrong. His lusus apparently bruises at the slightest touch. But Equius believes his lusus is the strongest.

He has 3 weapon specs. Fist, bow, and 1/2 bows. This is only the second time we see the Strife Portfolio that allows for multiple specs. The writer hints that he may have forgotten it existed.

After spilling his milk Equius flies into a rage breaking a bow. He chats with Neopeta to calm down in the conversation we saw earlier. This is where Nepeta had asked him if she could join the red team, but he forbade it. He wasn't sure if he had actually convinced her to join him on the blue team. He’s still angry, Nepeta is associating with lower bloods.

He decides to chat with Gamzee. He says Gamzee is a friend. But friend and enemy are the same word in trollian, and he hates Gamzee. This seems to be because Gamzee is of the highest bloodline. However, Gamzee does not act in a way that Equius thinks someone of his class should.

Gamzee is more concerned about running out of Faygo while in the medium.

Equius commands Gamzee to stop drinking Faygo. Gamzee agrees. Equius then back pedals. He doesnt feel like he has the right to make demands of someone of a higher blood class then his own. He suggests Gamzee need to be more commanding. Gamzee agrees but has no idea what the hec Equius is talking about, and doesn't desire to be better than anyone.

Gamzee mentions he is on the red team and in the game already. He was defeating imps but now just eats pie with them. Equius suggests they roleplay a scenario of Gamzee being authoritative towards him. Totally not for some kind of homoerotic kink thing. Though this likely became the source of a lot of fan material. Anyway, Gamzee strongly suggests Equius stay out of the sea. This being pretty low impact as Equius doesnt live near the sea. He pressures Gamzee to be even more bossy, he humours the request. It was another very creepy interaction.

Gamzee, again mentions he has no idea what Equius is going on about with all this bloodline stuff. Equius finds it terrible that someone with Gamzee's blood behaves in such an undignified manner. This while “she” of low blood can have such dignity. He doesn't say who “she” is and ends the convo.

Till tomorrow, chill out with your enemies and enjoy some pie. also keep riding the pumpkin tide.

[–] Seigest 1 points 7 months ago

Edit: I had been conflating Skaia and The Battlefield. as a reminder Skaia isn’t the planet with the checkerboard field, that is the battle field. However the clouds above it are Skaia. Skaia “big ball of pure sky” and The battlefield is the planet in its center.

[–] Seigest 1 points 7 months ago

**Edit: **I had been conflating Skaia and The Battlefield. as a reminder Skaia isn’t the planet with the checkerboard field, that is the battle field. However the clouds above it are Skaia. Skaia “big ball of pure sky” and The battlefield is the planet in its center.

[–] Seigest 1 points 7 months ago

**Edit: **I had been conflating Skaia and The Battlefield. as a reminder Skaia isn't the planet with the checkerboard field, that is the battle field. However the clouds above it are Skaia. Skaia "big ball of pure sky" and The battlefield is the planet in its center.

[–] Seigest 2 points 9 months ago

😅 took me a minute to remember what you meant by this one. We'll get to that one eventually but your right. These early sprites are much more innocent then some of what monstrosities we will get to down the line.

[–] Seigest 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Weird trickster mode Easter egg here as well. using code 024913 apparently makes the imp in page 397 into something very weird.

[–] Seigest 1 points 10 months ago

I missed an Easter egg here as well.

4 hidden songs (3 which are probably copy-write, DMCA or whatever). in Dave Phat Beat Machine on page 338 you select all four comers it will unlock 4 buttons with these songs.

[–] Seigest 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Totally forgot an Easter egg here if you “activate trickster mode” I was avoiding the wiki to avoid spoilers (even though I've already read all this once). But this article will best explain how to use Trickster mode.

In this case it is just a weird thing that turns John into some kind of weird lollypop child and Nana into the floating head of Andrew Hussie. Obviously this isn’t significant to the story. But weirdly it is related to something much further down the line.

[–] Seigest 1 points 10 months ago

OH! that! hehe, yeah we'll get to that

[–] Seigest 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I mean I've only heard rumors about the stuff in beyond cannon. I'll get there eventually.

[–] Seigest 2 points 10 months ago
[–] Seigest 1 points 10 months ago

Thank you! I long way to go. hopefully it wont get too annoying.

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