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Today I’m reading.
10/12/09- "Jade: Quickly retrieve firearms from wall.” (/homestuck/792) to 11/02/09 - "Jade: Open Echidna and go to” (/homestuck/831)"
Select this thingy to read my commentary
Yesterday we met Jade. the 4th child protagonist of this story (so far). Jade is also the most odd so far. She lives in a home of impossible size. Its equipped with technology which is beyond anything that exists currently. She is also very scatterbrained, frequently blacking out and unable to remember things. But, she also has an uncanny ability to predict future events.
We are with Jade in her room. And she's equipping a rifle she says she is very good at using. She shows off her wardrobifier which grants her the ability to change her shirt design. This was a participation survey in which the atom and spirograph designs won.
The “squiddle” plush around her room are apparently “activated” by electromagnets. This causes them to form into “tangle buddies” She takes one of these. They are pretty cute, I am surprised they are not real toys.
The audience asks her to “Lose interest in fauna and never speak of it again”. Essentially begging Jade to not be a furry. To which she goes on a long speech about how wonderful it is. Though later states she would never wear a fursuit. I mean furry culture isn't exactly my cup of tea. But if you're reading this then you're probably a Homestuck. We certainly cannot judge others for their interest.
The “Magic Chest” that is in her room, and looks like Johns contains crappy fortune telling tools. She points out the magic 8 ball is always wrong because she knows “facts” about the future.
She dumps the flute for a portable refrigerator, a portable “cookalizer”, and a lunchbox. These she uses to “cook”, or irradiate a meal for Bec. We learn that the Memory modus she’s chosen is actually a pretty smart choice for her. She seems to know what is behind every card.
While Jade plays her customised bass we get a view of the island. It’s most definitely the frog temple island where we left the wayward vagabond at the end of Act 2. Her home is a huge tower on a mountaintop next to the volcano. Jade mentioned its inactive but the geothermal power it makes is what powers her home. It also seems a package has arrived. Rose had joked earlier that Jades presents arrive via a plane drop. It seems that is also how she receives them.
Taking the bass and amp into her inventory she decides to finally pester John. It turns out that the lunchbox she grabbed is actually a computer of insane power. Though she only has 3 apps on it, pesterchum, a browser, and “freshJamz”. Her pesterchum is some kind of advanced edition, but she also has way more contacts then the other kids. She organised her contacts, one category is “chumroll” containing the other 3 kids we know. There is also “Trollslum” The mood of all those in Trollslum is ranchorus. There's a few names there we can see that will become important later.
- carcinoGeneticist
- arachnidsGrip
- twinArmageddons
- terminallyCapricious
- caligulasAquarium
I would guess that Jade, unlike the other kids, Jade has social energy. She's extroverted. She is only homestuck in a more physical sense. She's on an island and unable to meet people via normal means.
Anyway turntechGodhead (Dave) is talking. She tries to get a hold of John first but he is busy. Dave has a lot to say including some terrible words I won't repeat here. Hells bells I cannot believe we used to say that kinda thing so casually. But he provides Jade with a new song that she (and we all) listen to on the FreshJamz App.
There’s actually a good chunk of an album in here, it’s even the same play order. I only know because I've listened to it like 5000 times. This sequence with the icons next to each song gives me the feeling that all 4 kids would create music together. Like a band that never actually sees each other in person. It really adds value to imagine who is playing what instruments for each song. Even as with my current Homestuck playlist there's about 60 hours of music (and it's not even the FULL one). It's also cool to know this is likely how these songs were actually made. It's just a bunch of folks on the internet mixing and evolving songs. I'm at all musically gifted myself. But I enjoy listening to it and imagining all the awesome things that inspired every song.
Anyway, Jade decides to check out Weirdly it's a crude drawing of John in a dunce cap next to a toilet filled with cake and the pogo ride. It’s mentioned this is a tangential intermission that’s not relevant to the plot.
That's an odd thing to say.
Till tomorrow eat some nice fruits and, keep riding the pumpkin tide.
I'll only migrate one of these a day too not spam things up.. at least unless i start reading this again.. which i might somday.