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Today I’m reading.
10/02/09- "WV: Mourn the loss of citizen tab.” (/homestuck/722) to 10/09/09 - "[S] WV: Hasten to the exit post-haste!” (/homestuck/755)"
Select this thingy to read my commentary
The Wayward Vagabond (WV) has seen war. In his caffeine fueled boredom WV divided his cans (of which he is the mayor). The war destroyed many Tab cans (because he drank them). It waged on for over 4 hours.
The timer which WV had started was now down 4 min.
Now we're shown someone else. A Peregrine Mendicant wandering the desert. This possibly means “Foreign Beggar”. They look similar the WV but they are white, like #FFF white. They are pushing a shopping cart full of rusty mailboxes. They sense something in the sky behind them. We won't get to see more quite yet though.
WV decides to step outside of the bunker for a bit. There is concern that he may not want to be around when that timer hits zero. He may think. If the place doesn't explode he can always just come back. But when he gets to the ladder a door closes behind him. The hatch leading out is now locked off by bars. WV's trapped in the ladder tube.
Hope isn't lost though. The door has a screen that seems to show the SBURB house symbol, a spirograph and a new symbol a “triangley fractal”. Currently the house is lit up. He tries to access the spirographic room but it seems locked. The triangley fractal room is available though.
The triangley fractal room is like the house room. The screens are different but there's 2. One has earth, the other.. Well if you’ve been particularly good at paying attention you may see The Medium. This is a basic representation of the planets WV painted in the other room. There are the seven gates between the planets and Skaia which is in the centre. The Incipisphere is the circle wrapping them all in. We see two other planets with a moon, one is in the centre and one is out in the darkness.
There are also some numbers below the screen. These appear to be latitude longitude elevation and time. I’m not sure if the other numbers have significance but the date is, of course, April 13 2009.
There is also a measuring stick which WV want to make a spear out of. But he left his knife back in the other room. On the opposing wall something that looks like an Alchemizer, but bigger. By messing with some buttons it makes a pumpkin appear.
WV declares this machine is an “appearifier”, the word being a reference to a gag in Problem Sleuth. But we're told this device can transport any item from any place, and any time to this specific spot. The pumpkin has a weird symbol carved in it.
He is looking at a green button which is like the door screen we saw before. This one has a X in the centre.
Continuing to explore the machine WV finds a green button. pressing it sets the coordinates and time to the current. Andrew has cleverly prevented us from seeing the date. WV uses this to transport his knife, and many cans, including amber bug friend to him from the other room.
After eating the pumpkin guts using his knife WV has an idea to use the device to free bug friend from his rocky prison. This works. WV names his bug friend Serenity. This being a reference to the space ship in the tragically cancelled series Firefly .
WV, realizing this machine manipulates time. He decides to take the rotten pumpkin from the other room that he had eaten earlier. I guess he wanted to eat it again. This results in a paradox though. If he were to take the pumpkin then he could not have eaten it. As such the machine makes a paradoxical version of the pumpkin out of green sludge.
Serenity informs WV that the timer is almost expired in the other room and that he may want to get out of this bunker. It's not mentioned yet but Serenity can communicate via Morse code. WV uses the machine to remove the bars from the ladder tube. Packing all can town into the (non sludge) pumpkin he makes a bindle and ascends the ladder to - WV falls on his butt.
Till tomorrow, keep pressing random buttons on strange devices, and keep riding the pumpkin tide.