This and that post about dating yourself seem awfully sus
I say the Matrix Cliff's Notes because Animatrix is better than the rest of it.
That actually makes a lot more sense, I'll accept that. Although there are signs saying not to misuse the tools provided. Don't see any of that on Amazon. At least not yet.
You're right on that one. Just seems like they brought it upon themselves.
I think your mindset is a little too naive nowadays, especially seeing what both Biden and Obama have been capable of once in office. Very idealistic before getting there, but it must be a hell of a load on their shoulders with no real right answer to many things, based on factors we might not even be aware of. I agree that Bernie might fight back harder, and that's exactly why I said the easiest solution is for them to not even give him the chance.
Not a good comparison, the sledgehammer isn't meant to be used in the store, the search function in the website is, don't be dumb.
It's a US politics thing. Everyone that sets foot in the White House has to play ball, they just don't know it until they get there. It would've been interesting to see Bernie react to the reality of things in the highest office, but that's probably exactly why they never let him in.
Then she complains that her medicare never covers anything.
I'm only using the tools provided, not accessing anything that's clearly pointed out I shouldn't. If anything, that question field is specifically designed for me to use.
Quit hating, the comment didn't even imply that he invented the saying, he's just a rad guy.
You can blame the Magic School Bus for my incorrect perception of how the stomach works. I know they cleared things up at the end, but as a kid I remembered only the adventures.
Lol it almost seems like you're the one that can't seem to just let things be