They literally changed their name so they could astroturf their own privacy hiccups...
It's not blind though. We've already seen Twitter.
You mean (definitely not Facebook) is releasing Twitter2^TM^ with a WHOPPING 500 character limit? So a company that's perpetually abused it's customers data is offering an alternative for castoffs from Reddit where they can serve you ads, limit your messages, and collect your data at the same time... in place of an already existent community driven instance of an open-source protocol / the ability to run my own instance? Fucking sign me up bro. Please Daddy Zuck, take it all! >:D
I made a really basic 'Task' extension for chrome for saving your current window's tabs as a named list that you can load back up whenever you want:
(Inspired by changelists in programming IDEs)
League of Legends
Who needs understanding when we can just spin everyone into cartoons?
I was on it for around 8 years. Even exercising doesn't quite take care of the falling asleep thing. Eventually I was able to get to a point where I could 'decide' to fall asleep, but that didn't even work 100%. As far as adjusting the dosage, it's tricky because if you lower it too far, you won't make it through your day again.
It can be very exhausting and sometimes it is not worth the effort
Don't forget to include the list of Counterarguments^TM^ that spews out after their fingers are safely in their ears.
Thank you! :3 It is generated (if you look at his whiskers he's got a pizza whisker. lol) but using comfy-ui for the workflow. Would take me awhile to list out all the specific settings but basically ran it through a couple controlnets for the base and then did a two-pass upscale (just running it through an image-image upscale twice for detail)
Lol, I tested this out live. Most people still like to 'disagree button and run.' I think it comes from the 'debate me bro' atmosphere that seemed prevalent on Reddit. A lot of folks would rather just show they disagree than expose their logic on why. This trend can then be manipulated by bots to strengthen the 'unspoken disagreement' with opinions that don't jive with whatever agenda they've been created to support. And rather than talking out disagreements a lot of them devolved into 'then just leave.' Or even more venomously as 'this community will be better when you're gone.' ^.^
I'm so rich, I can afford to maybe shop at mid-tier grocery stores comfortably like once every two months. :D
Once you have 'care' you're at the mercy of your insurance companies that hold up your prior authorization every year (yeah it's annual and they've gotten it for years but somehow always take just enough time for your meds to run out, inducing withdraw.) Don't forget, somehow, pharmaceutical companies can't keep up with regular orders and can be 'out of stock' indefinitely. Have had a pharmacist say "well we only had enough for 23, is that okay? Lol.