I fear an argument could be made for the existence of each point within the current regime.
Seriously, articles like this ad nauseum. He's just a con, keep up.
We're already on the south shore of the Rubicon for me. The line of no return has already been crossed. Add this to the list of why this regime must be stopped.
Unfortunately with the state of the Colorado River, AZ will need water soon, too.
It'd be hard to claim ignorance on that. Every American still knows about the anti-Russian sentiment of the Cold War. If they dont we're screwed. Too uneducated.
Yeah Idk. You were just kinda being jaded about inaction. There is action. Even if its not direct violence yet.
I'm not confused. You're claiming people aren't and won't do shit. Which is demonstratively untrue. People are protesting in the streets. Yeah, no one is actually firing on government officials. Thats not gonna happen until the bulbs burn out because its extremely destructive and guarantees you'll have to rebuild from the rubble. I'm not confused. Your statements aren't backed up.
Thats crazy how its dividing. They have never been our ally, even in WW2 it was more of an enemy of my enemy thing.
Nobody is real here, man
I myself have to use PTO for it. So...
Yeah, to me. You replied to me.
Did you not see the protestors (not 50501) in Phoenix burning cop cars?