I distinctly remember a few Russian commanding officers this past year and a half that tried to push a group of armed men into doing something they didn't want.
it did not go well for them.
I think the pregnant belly bulge works, and putting legs in to make it more person accurate would also make it more vagina-accurate, and there's only so much "THAT'S A VAGINA/PENIS!" you can get before people start complaining.
And unfortunately, there are a disturbing number of people who think a full covering is exactly how it works.
I remember every year, there was a farm close to where I lived that would grow cover crops for winter, and by spring they would be dried and dead, and for the better part of the week they went field by field with the fire department and about 40 people, and burned all the dead cover crops off.
I'd love it if we could do a controlled burn of the copse of trees behind my house, the underbrush is thick enough I haven't seen a deer come or go in years, and the creeping vines are choking many of the trees out. A few are clearly dead, more are dying, and I'm pretty sure a burn that killed the brush and vines would help the trees a lot, but I'm not a controlledburnologist.
"ExCUSE ME? You cannot rape these men, I believe they are angels, and they're my guests! The AUDACITY of your request! How DARE you! But please, rape my daughters on your way out. I insist." -Lot
I've read the Bible, multiple times. And only once when I still considered myself a Christian.
Anecdote time! I live next to corn fields and have all these things still.
But it's nowhere near what it used to be as a child growing up in a city.
I can only imagine what this property would have been like 20 years ago.
This year's firefly display was downright depressing.
Is that like a yellowish-white color?
I'm picturing Pikachu lightning...
This is literally the first I've heard of a new vaccine recommendation. And I had a Dr appointment less than a month ago.
I'll have you know it's only SEVEN years old, and it has SIX gb of RAM.
I have all but given up gaming on it, as even half life 2 now runs choppy and slow.
I just don't have money to replace it with anything.
Without passion. And create art. Doing what you love by being yourself. Other people define and say you will follow your heart. Happy and free, not love your art and by inspiring people letting others tell you you can change the world.
The line must be drawn here.
This far, no further.
And I will make them pay for what they've done.