Bryan is the car.
Is it possible to leave the thing powered on, and trigger the updates on a schedule, or remotely?
Sure, but I think there’s still benefit to what the other person did. Search DDG by default, and then if you don’t see good results, it’s one extra click for the google search… vs mousing, clicking, 2 keystrokes…
Hypothetically, ask AI to write a short story in the style of one of these writers. Don’t tell anyone. Get popular, reduce demand for original writer. People only have so much time, after all.
More likely, they just want to be compensated for their “voice”.
Not advocating for either of these… just thinking about why
It’s just so sad to me. I understand It makes good business sense to the manufacturers to sell high cost/margin premium vehicles. But for every person who can afford one of these, there are surely 10x as many people who want to buy an EV, but can only afford something much less expensive.
And yeah, I get that there is limited production capacity, so it makes logical sense.
Perhaps there’s a way to do this via hotspot, but I meant tether via physical connection to the router. Some routers do offer failover to secondary networks. Possibly with qos to prevent scarfing, as you put it ;)
The statement about a huge three row EV suv being what the market needs… SMH
They mean using something with a cellular radio. A router, or a tethered cellphone.
Do hobbies! Cooking classes! Join clubs!
Condos could be pre-contracted just like any other home. And I believe condo associations are resident owned.
Ultimately though, I think the important bit would be that the finished inventory is only owned by actual residents. Which a condo association would accomplish.
+1 for Arc!
I know you said hidden gems, but I’m fairly new, so I admittedly use more popular apps.