LTT is entertainment, I wouldn't expect in depth reporting from them. They don't have that anal retentive attention to details/all angles that Gamer's Nexus or Louis Rossman have. If LTT made videos where they attack stuff that they think is wrong, then I'd expect them to go on their face more often than not. And attacking large companies with a poorly constructed case, would always come back to bite them in the ass.
Very few people can do the kind of repeated reporting that Gamer's Nexus and Louis Rossman do + stay in business. I can't blame LTT for sticking to what they're good at (superficial entertainment).
"That might make me look advertiser unfriendly!” Not what I was saying at all. I said that in the context of the time it might have made them look unnecessarily greedy to the public + provide free advertising + extra users for Honey.
The worst build laptop that I've ever held in my hands was from MSI. Cooling problems that made the fans work almost permanently at full blast (even after repasting by the shop), underperforming for the specs, a chassis with too much flex and a broken screen hinge after slightly more than 2 years (just out of warranty). When I looked up the screen hinge problem, it turned out to be an old recurring problem that MSI never bothered to fix when releasing new models, like they couldn't be arsed to give a fuck.
This laptop was bought in about 2017 or 2018 after which I put MSI on the do not buy list. It's possible that they've improved their quality since then, but I doubt it, given that I can find the same complaints in forum posts from 2024: