Not a historian, but weren't Chamberlain actions to give Britain time to re arm, industrialise, because we were in no state to fight a war at that point.
I always find that when Chamberlain is mentioned there is no nuance given to his actions.
Not a historian, but weren't Chamberlain actions to give Britain time to re arm, industrialise, because we were in no state to fight a war at that point.
I always find that when Chamberlain is mentioned there is no nuance given to his actions.
Haven't read the article. But we know that RAF has been overflying Gaza. Do we think that Israel would allow that if they were collecting evidence of war crimes rather than providing intelligence/targeting
Kemi: Only my parents and myself can exploit British laws lol all the other riff raff can piss off
Yeah is it a Labour group or Reform group?
It was the Sun that won it /s
Not American, any one care to explain this in relation to your first amendment. To me this is literally the government stopping someone from speaking.
If holocaust denial is a crime why is climate change denial not?
Imagine being a woman working for Apple and having a CEO who funds a rapist.
But haven't they sorted poverty, the housing crisis, the CoL crisis, the education crisis, the need for food banks, child benefits etc, I mean we are so much better off than last year why would anyone be pissed off