The only shitty terrible person I see here is you.
Do people just not know who and what Chris Roberts is?
This is what he's done throughout his career - the only thing that's notable about Star Citizen really is the scale of it and thus the opportunities he has to find ever more things to obsessively tinker with.
It's entirely possible that if Microsoft hadn't bought out Digital Anvil and given him the boot, this wouldn't even be Star Citizen - it would be Freelancer, coming into its 25th year of delays.
There's undoubtedly at least a bit of projection there, but I think more what it is is just that tankies are driven almost entirely by righteous indignation, and they'll take pretty much any chance they get to indulge in it. They don't really stop and think about things - they just see something that could serve as a basis for a nice, satisfying righteously indignant screed and off they go.
And that leaves them susceptible to, among other things, hypocrisy.
Sort of, but not quite. I get where you're going with that though, and it's the right idea.
The explicit goal of Project 2025 is simply to make it easier for greedy and power-hungry privileged right-wing assholes to bring harm to people and to the nation as a whole for their own imnediate benefit. So yes - it actually serves as a sort of backhanded guide to what is of value in government.
It's just that doing the opposite of what Project 2025 calls for would mean expanding agencies and regulations rather than reducing or eliminating them, and that's likely not the best option, since it could just lead to governments run rampant instead of corporations run rampant.
As with most things, the optimum lies between the two extremes.
But yeah - at the very least, it can be taken as a rule of thumb that there's a direct correspondence between the value a thing provides to the people and the nation as a whole and the degree to which Project 2025 opposes it and intends to destroy it.
Any ideology that bans books is self-evidently intellectually and philosophically bankrupt.
Had to read down quite a ways to find the inevitable bullshit in this article.
After applying some complex statistical models to the underlying data, Volckmann finds that, unsurprisingly, relative revenues in the weeks following a crack's release are lower than the baseline expectation for uncracked games in the same time period. These negative effects of a crack on revenues—which are highly statistically significant (p<0.01)—"impl[ies] that the appearance of a crack reduces revenue relative to the no-crack counterfactual," Volckmann writes.
I have no doubt of that.
However, the headline clearly implies that that loss is overall or on average 20%. And that's bullshit.
Just how much money a publisher can expect to lose from a Denuvo crack, though, depends heavily on how quickly the game is cracked, Volckmann finds. A Denuvo-protected game cracked in the first week after release can expect to make about 20 percent less revenue than if the DRM had remained in place, according to the study, while a crack six weeks after a game's release only costs an estimated 5 percent of theoretical total revenue. After 12 weeks, new sales are so negligible that "developers could eventually remove unpopular DRM schemes with minimal losses
So 20% is actually the maximum, and is only the case if a game is cracked within the first week after release.
Six weeks after release, there's only approximately 5% difference, and 12 weeks after release, there is no significant difference.
So the headline, unfortunately predictably, is misleading at best.
I don't think I've seen anything that so neatly sums up the blithering insanity of the MAGA right than them politicizing a hurricane and issuing death threats to meteorologists.
Imagine the strategy meetings behind this.
"Look guys - our standard racist and misogynistic hate isn't resonating with suburban women. We need a different hate to appeal to them."
Of course he did - Putin's his man-crush.
Setting aside the anti-health and anti-sanity aspects of this, the thing that gets me is that Republicans somehow continue to believe that they're the party of freedom when everything they do involves ever more regulation.
They frame things as if the Democrats are oppressing people and the Republicans are fighting for their freedom, but the exact opposite is actually true - the way that things actually work, consistently, is that Democrats want to give people the freedom to do things and Republicans are fighting to destroy those freedoms. Their reaction to every single thing they encounter is to pass a law against it, which is literally the exact opposite of freedom.
Now granted - most of their positions are insane, so it's not as if rationality should be expected, but this just seems to be something so simple and so obvious that they can't possibly miss it. Yet somehow they do.