You should have said it, some old farts need a reality check.
Please continue to fuck cars
Awkwardly pasting red stars and sickles onto existing flags with the occasional factory motif, very much like real life socialist flags.
"Hey, watch me fuck with this nerd"
"Lord, twenty million children have starved to death today"
"Why do you always have to spoil my fun Gabriel?"
Last decade! Simpsons should have stayed in the 90's.
Also double is 100% increase
Man, I really cannot math today
I think that a person who exists simultaneously in the past, present and future is more than competent enough to draw a perfect circle on his forehead.
Still, wishing to fucking double the unemployment because the proles have the audacity to want to be treated as human beings is fucking disgusting.
According to this ambulatory pile of turds the workers should approach their employers like Oliver Twist wanting a second helping of gruel - "May I have my wages, sir, please?" The owner class has gotten way too comfortable saying the quiet part out loud.
Just read the article, and holy shit is this guy delusional. 50 percent unemployment would cause massive unrest, if not total collapse of many branches of the economy. The fact he wasn't laughed out of the room speaks volumes about these billionare circlejerk events.
Little Jimmy won't give a fuck how he was born unless we give him shit about it. And believe it or not, people who have enough money to afford artificial wombs do not contribute to overpopulation.