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[–] RojoSanIchiban 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

make it run E=mc^2^ miles per hour

You just converted the energy of Einstein's corpse to mass. It increases in weight by a billionth of a gram or so and you're now paraplegic.

Also, you failed high school physics.


[–] RojoSanIchiban 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
[–] RojoSanIchiban 4 points 1 year ago

I'm a dipshit and replied to the top level post again instead of TropicalDingdong's question about how big this was.

Assuming it's not a Voyager bug, I'm doing that a hell of a lot lately.

[–] RojoSanIchiban 5 points 1 year ago

Perfect, Glenn explains (and understands) that much better. Glenn Kirschner is one of the ones I mentioned that I watch regularly, because justice matters. Definitely worth subscribing if the legal side of things is an interest- the others I hit up regularly are Meidas Touch's Legal AF and Talking Feds with Harry Litman.

It's definitely a lot of their legal strategies they've already discussed around the GA case for months that I was regurgitating, especially since the guilty pleads started rolling in.

[–] RojoSanIchiban 2 points 1 year ago

Indeed! Getting Ellis, Chesbro and Krakendoodledoo to take a plea bargain in exchange for testimony were huge (yuge?) for the prosecution.

[–] RojoSanIchiban 12 points 1 year ago (4 children)

You do that by having enough people that were nearby, or better, involved in the overall conspiracy testifying that they were operating with the knowledge that what they were doing was illegal.

"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is not "beyond the shadow of any doubt."

If you have three or four insiders saying that Trump wanted to do X (which was an illegal act), and corroborating testimony that he was told by these lawyers, like Ellis, that the law doesn't work that way, that this is illegal, it's not reasonable that Trump can righteously still believe he was not committing a crime. By that point it's "ignorance of the law" at best, which is not a defense.

Testimonies will be catered to pointing this out, and there will be plenty of arguments about the intent of text messages and emails and conversations surrounding Trump, they will ultimately establish everyone was aware that this illegal obstruction is being done knowingly and at Trump's direction. Once you're there, it requires an absolutely unreasonable juror to conclude he had any reason to believe be was in the right.

[–] RojoSanIchiban 14 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Prefacing with "I am not a lawyer," I'm only related to a two lawyers, two police officers, and have too many extended family friends who are both, I worked a short time in a court, and now watch/listen to too many lawyers talking on podcasts... so I'm likely the worst of the worst kind of armchair lawyer wannabe.

Hearsay is generally inadmissible as evidence used against the accused having allegedly committed a crime, because it's second-hand information and the person effectively making the evidentiary statement isn't the one currently testifying under oath.

I can't simply testify that you told me that you watched Trump commit a crime, when you aren't there to provide witness testimony.

But exceptions do apply, and in this case it would be when it comes to establishing a general intent or motive, a mental/emotional state of the accused.

I can testify that you told me Trump was angry about the election. I think there could be arguments that this testimony should be inadmissible if there is no chance for you to testify to the same, unless you were available for rebuttal or possibly involved in the crime itself, where you would feasibly be protected by the 5th amendment.

So it wouldn't be slam dunk "Scavino told me that Trump said we are going to illegally overthrow the election" is totally inadmissible as evidence of the crime. But the testimony from Ellis of what Scavino told her, that "we" don't care what the election outcome is, that "we" aren't leaving, at the very least implies that "we" have an intention to defy the outcome if it isn't in our favor. Meaning the "we" certainly aren't staying in power purely because "we" we think we won, and have good faith reasons to believe "we" should remain.

The telegraphed defense so far for Trump has been that he believes he actually won, and this testimony is a direct rebuke of that idea. This will naturally require more corroborating testimony presented to a jury to reach "beyond a reasonable doubt" on his intent to ignore the election and stay in power, but it proves such testimony already exists.

[–] RojoSanIchiban 52 points 1 year ago (4 children)


[–] RojoSanIchiban 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Oooh, ooh, I hope Gym Jordan, Fivehead Gaetz, Jimbob Squarehead Comer, and Margarine Traitor Greene will offer to fight me for the very mean tweets I've sent them!!!

[–] RojoSanIchiban 56 points 1 year ago (13 children)

Assuming this clears hearsay judgement (and it should, relating to his mental state at the time), it's a MOAB.

Trump's defense in has been an insistence that he believes he actually won, and not obstructing congress to overturn the election, but to uphold it.

In the Federal D.C. case in particular, he's the only indicted defendant, so his only avenue to really argue his belief that he won, he's going to have to take the stand. And that means cross examination. And that's almost guaranteed to result in perjury.

[–] RojoSanIchiban 24 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Mullin is from Oklahoma.

Not that the TN senators Blackburn and Hagerty aren't clownshoes.

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