Depends. Since this is security software it probably has a kernel driver component. I think in linux a 3rd party kernel module could do the same. But the community would not accept closed source security software, especially not in the kernel.
Well if everything's working correctly you'd want the desktop itself to stay close to the sdr values but have applications that are HDR capable to make use of it. Otherwise you're limited to full screen apps making use of it.
I can recommend this site for up-to-date and fairly neutral parts recommendations split by budget
Four months of prison? It sounds like the man is disconnected from reality but hardly a real threat to society.
Honestly the LCD decks are so cheap, especially with sales, I don't think you could build a gaming PC for that price.
Call people? For database software??? I'll install postgres from my private dark corner tyvm
It works in KDE + Wayland.. mostly.. for applications that support it.. and there was this update that ruined my color profile for a while but they fixed that now!
Get you a wife that also games
Kinda depends on where you live but there often is an excess of hydro and wind power overnight.
For a company this big it would also have to have gotten past a code review and QA team, right? ... right? ...