Numan rocks! I’ve seen him in concert twice in the last year.
joined 2 years ago
Early Def Leppard is best Def Leppard.
Doesn’t even take super careful wording. The prompt here was just “Ronald McDonald eating rotten and bug infested Arby’s sandwiches.”
It’s a schooner.
Also be sure you’re sorting by New. La Grange was 3 songs earlier in the chain. Great connection, though!
Blasto was my jam. The sound effects were so satisfyingly crunchy! I didn’t have the speech synthesizer either. Nor did I have the tape recorder to save my BASIC programs.
It was either the TI-99/4a or Magnavox Odyssey2.
Gotta love Siouxsie! I was lucky enough to see them live just a few months before they broke up.
Great song, but instead of replying to me this should be its own post to keep the chain going. Cheers!
Someone’s been taking their Thalasin.