I am 100% correct. There is no significant population in this country that cares about the fate of Palestinians in comparison to how much they care about themselves.
Go read my other comment. You think messaging on Gaza would have made a difference because your are historically illiterate. War is coming. Pick a fucking side.
You picked up the wrong message if you think grandstanding about Palestine was going to have any effect on this election at all. A significant portion of this country has fallen to fascism already. We got a lot bigger problems to deal with than the protest vote about Gaza. This country is now a vassal state of Russia, and US hegemony has fallen to the same unitarian kleptocracy that defines the collectivist Eastern Bloc. Figure it the fuck out. War is coming. Decide which side you're gonna be on Komrade, or it will be decided for you.
Arm yourself. This is just the beginning.
When the "anti-genocide" people accelerated and intensified the outcome of the existing genocide by protest voting for spoiler candidates it is really hard to muster any sympathy.
Sometimes you have to be willing to play politics in order to win at politics. Purity testing doesn't count for shit when the opposition is literally in favor of enslaving the entire human race for sport.
Way to go! You really showed the lesser of two evils who's boss, while the ultra-nationalist psycopaths erradicate millions more innocent people. Nice fucking job 👏
Well when every single Palestinian is dead or displaced and Gaza is annexed into Israel by February you be sure to cling to that moral high ground!
I'm losing my ability to give a fuck at this point. Everything short of large scale civil unrest or political revolution is basically business as usual. Whatever happens I'm sure we'll fucking deserve it.
Go over to Reddit if you want to have a nervous breakdown. It's a complete shitshow over there at the moment.
Yeah, and maybe the United States could use a ego check as well while we're at it.
Narcissistic mortification is "the primitive terror of self dissolution, triggered by the sudden exposure of one's sense of a defective self ... it is death by embarrassment".
When narcissistic mortification is experienced for the first time, it may be defined as a sudden loss of control over external or internal reality, or both. This produces strong emotions of terror while at the same time narcissistic libido (also known as ego-libido) or destrudo is built up. Narcissistic libido or ego-libido is the concentration of libido on the self. Destrudo is the opposite of libido and is the impulse to destroy oneself and everything associated with oneself.
I'm hoping for this outcome personally...🤞
You just made my stomach turn, but you're right. This shit is about to get way fucking crazier than I think anybody is prepared for.
They drove down enthusiasm, and refocused the attention away from the global threat to democracy. So, no offense, but I completely fucking disagree. The fate of Palestine is negligible in comparison to the long term threat of global authoritarianism.