This "All or nothing" bullshit helped put that asshole back in office, and it needs to stop.
Harris got shit on because there was always MORE she could have done. Simply not being a rapist felon should have been more than enough to win that election, but we kept nit picking about everything on our wish list that she couldn't do, and helped convince the country that she wasn't good enough for us, and now look where we are. We got NOTHING on our wishlist and are likely to lose a lot of what we had before.
A full blown anti-theist candidate would scare too many people. They would be even easier to vilify than Biden or Harris. We need to take little steps in the right direction, not just sit and watch democracy fall apart because the only person who could have stopped it "didn't threaten to bomb Israel enough" or "never mentioned changing what gets printed on the money".
Like a child that throws a tantrum about not being able to get two desserts, so they get nothing at all.
Finished my Community Center yesterday! The last thing I was waiting on was a large milk because I had decided I didn't want to run a barn at all on this playthrough, until I realized that there's only one way to get a large milk. I checked with the pig wagon a few times, but never offered it to me.
So, anyway, I have a barn with a cow now. ๐