
joined 1 year ago
[–] Regna 2 points 1 month ago

Thanks for sharing, but it had a soft paywall.

[–] Regna 40 points 1 month ago (2 children)

At least they had compassionate nurses…

Painted into a corner, the Nusslocks were forced to drive to a nearby facility that was not bound by religious restriction — but not before a nurse at Providence handed them a bucket and some towels “in case something happens in the car.”

[–] Regna 7 points 1 month ago

I love jackdaws. They’re smart and mischievous.

[–] Regna 14 points 1 month ago (2 children)

He was (likely) wrongfully imprisoned for a crime that occurred 26 years ago. So it’s both long imprisonment and the costs of trying to overturn the conviction, including fact seeking, labs, lawyers, prosecutors, judges etc.

[–] Regna 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)
[–] Regna 5 points 1 month ago

The Erasmus program enabled a lot of Britons to study abroad and widen their perspectives. I think it brought a whole lot of benefits to the UK, and while it obviously benefited almost every youth participating in it, I think that the UK as a whole probably benefited the most.

[–] Regna 27 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The article was very well written. Unfortunately, 90% of the people I’d forward it to would be TLDR…

[–] Regna 5 points 2 months ago
[–] Regna 11 points 2 months ago

Share your own experiences.

For my part, life and (way too many family) deaths has interfered with any serious social engagement including moderating the communities I tried to start. Most of the mad Facebook shit is something I myself had to block because of mental health.

But feel free to contribute.

[–] Regna 1 points 2 months ago

#WhenTaken #198 (12.09.2024)

I scored 731/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 20 km - 🗓️ 2 yrs - ⚡ 197 / 200 2️⃣ 📍 695 km - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 176 / 200 3️⃣ 📍 3876 km - 🗓️ 25 yrs - ⚡ 66 / 200 4️⃣ 📍 13500 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 99 / 200 5️⃣ 📍 22.9 metres - 🗓️ 6 yrs - ⚡ 193 / 200


Eiffel Tower lit up to mark change, seen as way of protecting law that decriminalised abortion in 1975.

The French parliament has enshrined abortion as a constitutional right at a historic joint session at the Palace of Versailles.

Out of 925 MPs and senators eligible to vote, 780 supported the amendment, which will give women the “guaranteed freedom” to choose an abortion.

There was thunderous applause in the chamber as the result was announced on Monday; in central Paris, the Eiffel Tower was illuminated to mark the occasion.

The measure had already been passed by the upper and lower houses, the Sénat and the Assemblée Nationale, but final approval by parliamentarians at the joint session at Versailles was needed to effect constitutional change.

The prime minister, Gabriel Attal, told those gathered in the opulent Congress Hall in the palace’s Midi wing: “We are haunted by the suffering and memory of so many women who were not free. We owe a moral debt [to all the women who] suffered in their flesh.

“Today, the present must respond to history. To enshrine this right in our constitution is to close the door on the tragedy of the past and its trail of suffering and pain. It will further prevent reactionaries from attacking women.

“Let’s not forget that the train of oppression can happen again. Let’s act to ensure that it doesn’t, that it never comes this day.”

He added: “I say to all women within our borders and beyond, that today, the era of a world of hope begins.”

Mathilde Panot, an MP from the hard-left France Unbowed, who proposed inscribing the abortion rights in the constitution, told the meeting it was “a promise … for all women fighting [for them] everywhere in the world”.


From the article:

The man is blaming the automaker even though the manual door opener was under his left hand the whole time.

A man in Arizona says that he was recently trapped in his Tesla after getting in, closing the door, and then realizing that his battery was dead. What he didn’t know is that the manual release for the door was under his left hand the whole time. Now, he’s blaming the automaker and raising awareness.

Rick Meggison, 73, says that Tesla needs to address what he calls a “safety concern” involving how to exit the car when the battery dies. The main door latch actuator on all Tesla models is electronic so if the 12-volt battery dies it won’t work. To ensure safe exit of the vehicle Tesla includes a manual release. Meggison didn’t know about that and ended up trapped in his car for 20 minutes on a hot day.

“I couldn’t open the doors. I couldn’t lower the windows. The computer was dead, so I couldn’t open the glove box. I couldn’t open anything,” he told ABC7. Of course, he could’ve opened the door in about two seconds had he known that the manual release was just ahead of his window switches. His situation has many wondering who’s to blame in situations like this.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Regna to c/idiotsincars

I've been watching Trucker Dashcam // Sweden while cleaning around the house today, so this is from another one of his videos. His one of the nicest truckers I've ever heard of. He mainly does dashcam compilations nowadays, and includes videos from friends and subscibers as well.
The GIF is severely cropped and small, sorry. Used ImgFlip again, will look into some better options soon.

In the clip (and the timestamp in the below timed link) you see the trucker approaching a toll station. Apparently "clever" car drivers think it makes more sense to take the pedestrian/bike path to avoid the toll station and instead save a few SEK.


Publicerad 30 juli kl 17:24

Sju personer har fått föras till sjukhus i Kristianstad i helgen efter att de varit ute på krogen och nu uppmanar polisen allmänheten att vara uppmärksam.

– Sedan i fredags har vi haft sju personer som har fått föras till sjukhus i Kristianstad efter att fått i sig en okänd substans. Samtliga har varit ute på krogen i Kristianstad. Flera har blivit medvetslösa till följd av detta och har varit i behov av sjukhusvård, säger Evelina Olsson, presstalesperson hos Polisen.

Både män och kvinnor drabbade

De drabbade är i 20 till 30-årsåldern och både män och kvinnor. Polisen vet inte vad de fått i sig men man inväntar provsvar och ska hålla förhör med samtliga drabbade.

– Eftersom vi inte vet vad avsikten med detta är så vill vi att personer, som är ute i krogsvängen i Kristianstad den närmaste tiden, är lite extra uppmärksamma. Att man håller koll på sin dryck och mat. Om det är nån som vet vad det här kan handla om så vill vi gärna ta del av de uppgifterna, säger Evelina Olsson.


Enkelrum görs till dubbelrum och intagna går utan sysselsättning. Samtliga nio fängelser i Stockholms län är överbelagda och kriminalvårdare vittnar om en tuff arbetssituation när antalet intagna ökar.
– Arbetsuppgifterna blir fler, det finns mindre tid att vara en medmänniska, säger Ulrica Åkerström, kriminalvårdare och förtroendevald för fackförbundet ST på anstalten Asptuna.

Under flera års tid har det rapporterats om platsbrist på Sveriges fängelser. Ökade resurser till polisen och straffskärpningar har gjort att fler döms till fängelse.
Regeringen meddelade senast i mitten i juli att de vill införa ytterligare straffskärpningar, vilket sannolikt kommer göra att antalet intagna ökar ytterligare.

Platsbrist på Stockholms fängelser
I juni i år fanns det 994 intagna personer på länets nio fängelser, men endast 883 fasta platser. Det innebär att totalt 111 intagna hade tillfälliga boplatser, till exempel med en annan person i ett enkelrum eller i temporära bostadsrum i lokaler avsedda för annat.

Intagna går sysslolösa
Det stora antalet intagna gör det svårt att ordna sysselsättning, till exempel arbete i verkstad eller undervisning, åt alla – trots att det finns en sådan skyldighet enligt lag. Sysselsättningsgraden bland Stockholms läns intagna är 68 procent.

Kriminalvårdaren Ulrica Åkerström säger att de inte har möjlighet att ge alla intagna på Asptuna arbete. Där är 79 procent av de intagna sysselsatta.

– Det leder till en frustration, stress och ilska hos intagna. Man får kanske inte ut det som man vill av sysselsättningen, säger hon.


Edit: Changed link for the pic to another site

The guy behind Trucker Dashcam // Sweden is one of the nicest truckers I've ever heard of. He mainly does dashcam compilations nowadays, and includes videos from friends and subscibers as well.

submitted 1 year ago by Regna to c/idiotsincars

cross-posted from:

cross-posted from:

There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.


Ursprungligen postad på:, reviderad här:

Varningar och meddelanden | SMHI

Risk för skogsbrand


Risken för bränder i skog och mark är mycket eller extremt stor. Utfärdad 27 juli

Östra Götaland

Skogsbrandrisken är stor eller mycket stor. Utfärdad 28 juli

Sydöstra Svealand:

Skogsbrandrisken är stor. Utfärdad 28 juli

Hur kan det påverka mig?
Stor eller mycket stor brandrisk och att eld sprids lätt i skogsmark.
Stor försiktighet bör iakttas vid eldning utomhus, ofta gäller eldningsförbud.


Varningar och meddelanden | SMHI

Risk för skogsbrand

Sydöstra Svealand.

Skogsbrandrisken är stor.

Hur kan det påverka mig?
Stor eller mycket stor brandrisk och att eld sprids lätt i skogsmark.
Stor försiktighet bör iakttas vid eldning utomhus, ofta gäller eldningsförbud.

28 juli kl. 09.00 – kl. 23.00

Sydöstra Svealand.
Utfärdad 28 juli klockan 09:54


I found out about OfferUp from a comment on [email protected] to post, by commenter @[email protected] .

The OfferUp site doesn't let me look around as it's geoblocked, and VPN didn't seem to help. So I went off the Wikipedia description and Googling:

  • Competitor to eBay and CraigsList.
  • It seems to be around in some major cities, and shipping is available for inter-urban or less urban locations.
  • It's both for buying in straight-up transactions as well as bidding (a'la eBay).
  • Most item categories are free to list items in, but it costs to put up more than a limited number of listings a month in certain categories.
  • They have fees for the sales based on the transaction value
  • They have some form of moderation
  • They have some user based moderation based on ratings
  • They tie user accounts to actual persons
  • They don't handle food transactions (?)

Based on these points I would be inclined to not considering it as a thrifting resource to add to the stickied list, on the other hand I've listed an auctioning site in Sweden as a thrifting resource, and might as well include eBay as well.

Your thoughts?

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