soy chips
Here you go - you replaced bacon with something bacon-like. Not nuts.
soy chips
Here you go - you replaced bacon with something bacon-like. Not nuts.
No taxation without approximation!
What do you see?
Its either ax+b
or mx+n
Pick one you lunatics
... did she know that was a translation, or you went like "here is an original French poem I wrote about you "
In a safe memory
Funny enough, it is the least memory-safe game ever produced
Time for the US to bite the bullet and do that with SSN cards.
It's already being used as an ID, even if the inventor didn't intend for it to happen.
Just put up a picture and a smart chip on it.
don’t judge someone for getting a gold toilet after they’ve paid their fair share to society.
Fair share is a very loosely defined term.
The legal definition? Influenced by lobbying (ie bribing) the right people , in service for the 1% .
toaster suit?
" Unic-i "
Her name? Hannette Solo