
joined 2 years ago
[–] ReginaPhalange 4 points 6 days ago
[–] ReginaPhalange 6 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Because a defunded IRS will track easy fish like yourself and be quicker to fine you.

[–] ReginaPhalange 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Do all smart displays have full-scale graphical OS behind them? Can't you LFS yourself a super lean "what is my purpose? You play a video file" kind of an OS without installing a desktop environment?

I'm always baffled by digital signs that shows "Let's get you started with windows 11" instead of the intended output. I thought that with Linux you could just not have the same problems by hacking away every redundant code/programs.

[–] ReginaPhalange 2 points 2 weeks ago

Don't you think that the sentence "Is 'Is a question?' a question?" makes more sense than "'Is a question?' is a question?"?

[–] ReginaPhalange 3 points 1 month ago

Was it delicious?

[–] ReginaPhalange 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Microsoft's Schrodinger's Razor

The answer is both really smart and really stupid, but you won't know which until you look at the source, and you can't view it.

[–] ReginaPhalange 1 points 1 month ago

This card says moops!

[–] ReginaPhalange 2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

... Which means that if the hacker is near you when you park - there is a time period where the fob isn't masked by the bag, because it is coming out of the ignition, and voulaa - you can record the key's pong of the car's ping, retransmit, and get in. Correct?


Here's how I understand the issue:
A keyfob is a radio Transmitter. To unlock your car you need the radio transmission to reach the car. The keyfob doesn't transmit a signal when at rest. Therefore putting a keyfob in a Faraday bag achieves nothing.

[–] ReginaPhalange 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Her name? Hannette Solo

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ReginaPhalange to c/selfhosted

Looking to migrate away from APS as it is no longer in active development.
I need a solution that will still enable me to add/remove/change passwords from an Android device, a Linux device, and have all changes sync-up. (In GNU-pass-based APS, it's achieved by a git repo that saves passwords as gpg encrypted files) Preferably, I want it to still be self hosted, F-Droidable, and maybe a migration guide or tool to ease the transition.



I recall that subdomains are their own record inside a DNS, which would imply that anyone can claim that their server is a non-existent subdomain of the real domain

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ReginaPhalange to c/nostupidquestions

Are they breaking Widevine? Are they circumventing it? If the end result is an analog audio signal and (a ton of) RBG on/off signals - why can't I as a normal consumer capture it using some store bought gyzmo?


I'm refering to this
I've also seen it happen to a single letter in that string



Risks of CPR (self.nostupidquestions)

If proper CPR involves compressing the chest so much such that the ribcage might break - doesnt that breakage risks a bone puncturing the heart?


It happened recently for me - I imagined I'm trying to cancel a gym membership and the gym isgivinfg me a hard time.

I dont have a gym membership at all.


At age 16, against my normal nature , I've asked out my then crush who was my schoolmate.

(In retrospect, it was only sexual attraction, cause her personality was abysmal..)

I say "ask out" but it was one of the childish "wanna be my gf" sort of thing. I didn't have (nor do I have now) "game".
My only valid pretense for hanging with her , and not actually planning a date, was studying together for tests.

Neverthelesss, the excitement and the rush after she showed interest in me was overwhelming , and I spiraled out of control.
I became clingy , needed and over the top in love.

It all came crashing down when I saw her avoiding me while looking afraid and creeped out.
That face is burned into my retina, and all I can think about when I even think about stepping into that arena again.

I'm 31 now, still painfully alone - but with the added bonus of feeling like expired milk and overrun with anxiety and depression.

I'm telling myself again and again that I'm doing the best with the cards I've been dealt with , and partnership or intimacy is just not one of those cards.
I try to keep busy and focus on work - because one moment of boredom sends me to a variety of really dark places.

I know that some day the pattern of eat-sleep-job-repeat won't be enough, but I'm repressing that thought like hell right now.

Thank you guys for creating this sub BTW, much needed.

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