
joined 8 months ago
[–] RebekahWSD 3 points 4 hours ago

Out of game, my complaint to one of the heads of the game that the game didn't have steam saves, so they added that, so that was cool?

In Starmourn, I have a number of honors for being votes for during the yearly player awards. I also have a number of designs I enjoy inflicting on people.

[–] RebekahWSD 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)


So it seems like BOINC or... SETI at home? Or what it was?

Edit - I looked them up. They're not going anymore it seems, 'no longer distributing tasks'. Alas!

[–] RebekahWSD 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I am absolutely unsure, and think any information I have about it comes from like 20 years ago. Is it that old? I thought it was pretty old. I remember a news report about it, like on the TV proper. The screensaver was like...little bars of color coming towards the camera, continuously going forward until it filled up and restarted. The spike bars were meant to be like...the data from outerspace. If there was a tall bar, it could be anomalous!

I have an extremely shitty memory, so this is exactly all the information I have.

[–] RebekahWSD 3 points 2 days ago

Rice pudding is delicious, I wish you the best in making more and never mix up seasonings again!

[–] RebekahWSD 4 points 2 days ago

She's currently sleeping in one of her kitty beds and doing well.

[–] RebekahWSD 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Maybe like a weird high rice pudding?

[–] RebekahWSD 3 points 3 days ago

I didn't mind Shadowheart as much but she sure has her moments!

[–] RebekahWSD 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

My bard pc got most things done that a rogue did!

...sometimes with a smidge of savescumming when a lock was particularly rude.

[–] RebekahWSD 38 points 3 days ago (18 children)

Astarion from BG3. I can understand why people like him. I personally do not and generally never used him in the party because I didn't want to hear him be annoyed yet again I was helping people.

[–] RebekahWSD 41 points 3 days ago

Luckily my cat has realized she does not need to be loud to get attention.

Just flop on the ground and poof! Humans fawn over her.

[–] RebekahWSD 1 points 4 days ago

Honeycrisp for apples. I use to have a type of clementine, but in my memory problems, I've forgotten so probably any of those now!

Man clementines are just fun to have for a snack.

[–] RebekahWSD 3 points 5 days ago

It's pork roll, so I'm delighted with this post. I personally find it a bit salty, but pork roll, egg, and cheese on a bagel is nice.


Strawberry honey butter! My first attempt at this recipe from the Ball canning website. It's delicious, think it'll go great on waffles and ice cream! It's a bit runny, but that's fine!


Made the yearly candied jalapeños! Well, half of them as the place I get the jalapeños from only barely had 4lbs, let alone 8lbs.

WzrdPod (
submitted 1 month ago by RebekahWSD to c/wizards

Been making ice cream at home. After banana, it was rocky road ice cream. No tree nuts though, family member is allergic, so peanuts, mini marshmallows, and mini m&ms instead!


I really enjoy their continued efforts to make sure Nick's reflection is gone during tasks!

Laser Eyes! (
submitted 5 months ago by RebekahWSD to c/cat

How dare I wake him up with cuddles and pets and flash cameras! Don't worry though, he went back to sleep in about three seconds

Snoozing on the couch (
submitted 6 months ago by RebekahWSD to c/cat
submitted 6 months ago by RebekahWSD to c/cat
Comfy New bed! (
submitted 6 months ago by RebekahWSD to c/cat
Deep Sleep (
submitted 6 months ago by RebekahWSD to c/cat
Always Watching (
submitted 7 months ago by RebekahWSD to c/cat
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