
joined 1 year ago
[–] RealM__ 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You wouldn't, because you are (presumably) knowledgeable about the current AI trend and somewhat aware of political biases of the creators of these products.

Many others would, because they think "wow, so this is a computer that talks to me like a human, it knows everything and can respond super fast to any question!"

The issue to me is (and has been for the past), the framing of what "artifical intelligence" is and how humans are going to use it. I'd like more people to be critical of where they get their information from and what kind of biases it might have.

[–] RealM__ 49 points 1 month ago

Joa, muss echt zugeben, mit der Aktion hat HandOfBlood mich echt überrascht. Bondenständiges Gespräch von beiden Seiten aus, es ging um Themen und Inhalte und es wurde auch mal richtig in die Tiefe gegriffen. Vermeide normalerweise Politik-Talks wie die Pest, aber HoB hat recht. Eigentlich müssten wir uns alle mal mehr mit Politik auseinandersetzen und öfters mal wieder miteinander reden.

Herr Habeck kam mir in diesem Gespräch echt sympathisch rüber. Man muss nicht alle Ansichten von ihm oder der Partei teilen, aber ich finde er hat seine Denkweise gut dargestellt und mit Fachwissen erweitert. Respekt. Macht wahlkampftechnisch für mich viel mehr aus als ein Poster am Straßenrand in dem "Zuversicht" draufsteht.

[–] RealM__ 2 points 1 month ago

How old is your brother?

[–] RealM__ 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I realistically only need to have mobile data, run Signal, Discord, possibly WhatsApp, and have a working browser... Hm. I hope that works.

[–] RealM__ 28 points 2 months ago (13 children)

Wanna know what's even more fucked up? Few years back, I had exactly this problem. Searched the internet for a solution. Guess what?

Enable Google Voice Assistant and say "Ok Google. Take a screenshot." Google magically has the rights to make a screenshot on the App that doesn't let you, the user, take the screenshot.

Next phone I get is gonna be something with a alternate OS, no Android or iOS.

[–] RealM__ 77 points 3 months ago (12 children)

People are missing the point of this article a bit - It's not just about Nintendo trying to remove forks/backups of yuzu/ryujinx. It's that they are trying to subpoena Reddit as a corporation for user data. They want to pursue legal actions against anyone discussing Switch Piracy online. And then ask yourself - Do you trust Reddit as a corporation with your user data?

In addition to requesting records from Reddit, Nintendo's filing also makes appeals for information from other companies, including domain registrars such as Namecheap and GoDaddy, along with firms such as Cloudflare, Github, Google, and Discord.

Reminder, that you do not own your social media accounts and that corporations might end up sharing whatever you post online with whomever. Privacy and anonymity are not guaranteed.

[–] RealM__ 6 points 3 months ago

Yeah same here.

I'm in a similar situation at the moment where my team is pretty unorganized, most employees are from an external company, and noone bothers to explain shit to me, even after I asked several times already. Plus, because of unenforced rules, it's basically 100% home office and noone is ever present, even if I go in the office. I COULD just do nothing and pretend like I'm working all of the time, noone ever contacts me anyway. But that would genuinely make me wanna die.

I'm already feeling super useless most of the time and try to chew through old legacy code to at least gain an understanding of the project. It's somewhat working, but it's tough to keep up my motivation. Overall I kinda oscillate between feeling useless and frustrated because I'm just not as productive as I would want to be as an employee.

Anyway, I'm already sending out CVs to other job offers. This is not the ideal life for me and I don't plan on keeping it going for longer than necessary.

[–] RealM__ 10 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Take your time with the combat tutorial - Understand the difference between a dodge roll, a sidestep, a parry and blocking.

Other than that, have fun!

[–] RealM__ 5 points 5 months ago

It's an original character from @whoismonday on twitter ( ) called "Mote". The meme template used to have a doge in it but somehow this version got more popular recently.

[–] RealM__ 1 points 6 months ago

It's a complex issue and kind of depends on your games and your hardware and your software. In general, you can definitely count out major competitive multiplayer titles that rely on aggressive kernel-level anti-cheat software, since that is essentially spyware and it's incompatible with Linux. Furthermore, very new titles often pose problems, as the primary target audience is always Windows. Linux compatibility is seldom considered by big publishers, and as such the FOSS community has to pick up the slack. With the release of the Steam Deck, Valve released a custom version of Wine called Proton, which acts as a compatibility layer between Windows and Linux specifically for Steam Games, but even that kind of is hit and miss. There's a website called protondb that is trying to categorize game compatibility but even good rankings (gold / diamond) usually require some small amount of fiddling with settings.

Overall, if you want to have a single-click to launch games experience, you're sadly still bound to Windows most of the time. But if you have the patience to experiment and learn new things, there's way more tools and possibilities than ever before. Just be prepared to troubleshoot some things.

[–] RealM__ 32 points 7 months ago (3 children)

The irony of some dude trying to prove a point that a website doesn't need to be bloated and burdened with all the design and fancy scripts, just for other people to incrementally built on top of that idea, one-upping each other in the process, mimicking the exact evolution of the modern bloated website as we know it.

[–] RealM__ 79 points 7 months ago (32 children)

I've recently made the switch over to LinuxMint and I was shocked. Installing a popular Linux Distro is EASIER than installing Windows 10/11 at this point. Seriously. The Linux installer is super noob friendly, very quick and straight to the point, it doesn't need you to create an online account and you don't need be wary of accidentally giving any corporation the rights to steal your data.

And all the software I use (Steam, Discord, Spotify, Firefox, Thunderbird, ...) were all downloadable from the GUI Installer and worked right away OUT OF THE BOX. No fiddling in any Terminal was required.

Seriously, it's easier than installing Windows at this point.

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