Make sure to keep an eye on the spring that's inside that tunnel. One end popped out of its fabric on mine and got my cats eye. $1700 emergency vet visit later and she's doing great, but I'll always give people the warning so they don't have to go through it.
joined 2 years ago
Came here waiting for this lol. Cue Titanic band playing as it's sinking.
I have been rather successful with Overture's High Speed TPU. It prints really well with my Bowden tube setup and it has a semi-rigid outer shell that goes away during extrusion. It sounds like exactly what you are looking for.
Make sure to keep an eye on the spring that's inside that tunnel. One end popped out of its fabric on mine and got my cats eye. $1700 emergency vet visit later and she's doing great, but I'll always give people the warning so they don't have to go through it.