It depends which feeling you seek. I first read American Psycho and many years later Lolita. I had similar vibes: unreliable narrator, a man who thinks he stands above all, justifies his actions etc but is one 100% awful an all levels. Long passages of “nothingness” numbing you and you might just slip over the real horrors, cause they are hidden between the lines before they become real actions. If I had to choose one, I would pick Lolita in terms of: which book made you feel worse. I like both books a lot, not that I seek to read them again anytime soon, but I also “enjoy” the strong emotions they cause. I love to hate the person they describe. I am open to any suggestions too.
There was a blood drawing scene and they used BD consumables. I would have fucking loved to see it being Lumon branded.
I have so many questions. If Cobel is that kind of a mastermind, why isn’t she higher up in the company? I feel like she must have done something to be degraded to manage MDR. But we get a little bit more insight into the child labour. Ms Huang must be in a similar fellowship. I don’t know if Cobel will be a reliable help to Mark. Was she in charge of having them meet?
It is not a no one should ever use a car, it is one does everyone believe there is no alternative to a car.
And I am very confused why people constantly bring up people with disabilities cannot drive bikes but can drive cars. The most people with disabilities cannot drive cars. You only see people with who have the means to drive a car. The rest is just stuck at home. It is not only having a wheelchair, but sight, hearing, age, epilepsy, mental capacity all those things restrict your ability to drive. Building a car to enable one person is so much less efficient as building infrastructure for all regardless of age, income and diasability.
One more thing to freedom of travel. Imagine having a car. You park it and visit a sight. You are done and have to return to your car. You can in general never just leave. This may apply to a bike too but in comparison public transport or on foot it is a hassle.
You say it yourself: Granted, all of those use cases should be covered by a good public transport system.
There should be no but afterwards.
Recently I watched the Kneecap. A biopic of a north Irish hip hop / rap band, performing in Irish and English. Now they have entered my playlist.
I get you and sure some themes hit harder than others. I myself no kids etc thought pet sematary was an ok book and I have read many comments saying it hits harder being a parent/father.
But there is a difference between: will we get the male perspective and I am not interested in the plot of a female one. Therefore devaluing it.
In a radio show introducing an entertainment to your audience, giving a platform to an author and then being dismissive feels so stupid.
I am especially enjoyed since it was on air in the youth centre. Boys and man constantly use girl and woman and anything related to it as insult. (And obviously gay, which is my personal journey to remind everyone that it is not an insult.) Just selecting a female team in FIFA was nearly too much to ask.
A couple of month ago I was volunteering in my youth centre. We always have the radio on. On air was an interview of a female author writing about a woman and her struggles as a mom and wife, falling for another man. The male interviewer had the audacity to ask if there are any themes in the book which could interest him as a male reader (imagine a very condescending tone).
Reducing “female” themes to lesser themes is so annoying, hurtful and stupid.
I am really enjoyed this episode. It was so much tension. I have so many questions.
Who is the guy picking up the dentist equipment? He and the guy in Ep 1 in the hallway are a mistery to us. I initially though he was Burt in the car and going to kill Irv. But I am glade we will explore his storyline more.
I feel so bad for Mark. He feels so betrayed. We know now it is Helly but he doesn’t. It is so sad to watch him.
And Milkshakes moment with Natalie. Is he breaking? Will he look for Cobel to get help?
I know everyone says each episode was the best yet, but I liked this one by a stretch more. Ep 4 was a crazy, it was so out there, but 5 is where the show shines for me: liminal space, office back rooms, personal connecting and the mysterious work. Can’t wait to see more.
Praise Kier
As someone mentioned before: play boardgames. The nice thing is you don’t need any cause we gamers already have plenty and are always looking for people to play with.
Also go volunteering. You’ll meet people of different ages, genders and backgrounds. I myself volunteer in a youth centre in my neighbourhood. Initially I knew no one on the streets. Now people recognise me, teens and parents alike, say hello and acknowledge me. I myself like this. It makes the neighbourhood feel more welcoming and save. Initially I „hid“ behind our counter having a save distance between me and the teens until I felt comfortable and feeling like I can intrude their space. It takes time. But it is worth it.
Danke für die Info. Ich bin zwar keine Kundin, aber es ist schon irritierend in wie vielen Dingen einfach so Steiner drinsteckt. Ich finde den Vorschlag von dir aber gut. Viel Erfolg.
It is a great podcast. But all of Michael Hobbes podcasts are. He still co hosts maintenance phase and now Sarah is running you are wrong about alone.
That is what she says. But wouldn’t you keep such a “genius” closer? Maybe there is more to it. Different ideas what severance could be used for.