I don't see FakeFactory on the credits page, though it wouldn't surprise me if he changed his username after all the mockery he got for fully modeling Alyx's internal reproductive organs.
Calvin warned us about this.
Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
If it worked anything like the GLOO Cannon from Prey, I would have been satisfied even if it were the only major innovation in the episode.
The downfall began when Ubisoft abruptly wrote Lucy out of the story after Kristen Bell asked for more money. Then they killed off the literal main character one game later, and nowadays you'd be excused for forgetting Desmond ever even existed given how little the modern day matters to the plot.
User tagging was what I was waiting for to try Voyager again (I prefer tagging users over blocking them), but per-user vote tracking was the killer feature I wanted an app to have.
I guess this is goodbye, Boost. Time to write a user tag import script!
Unsurprisingly, non-goblins tended not to bother with goblin currency.
Until one of your players invents currency speculation and gets rich. Though that could lead to a cool arc where the bankrupt goblin clans come after them for revenge.
I dunno, that name rolls off the tongue nicely.
I think that's just Trump's insecurity acting up because Musk gets nearly as much worship from his fans as he does. Hence him trying to mar Musk's reputation and knock him down a few pegs.
But then I was thinking the guy probably isn’t running on foot with four tires
He just has to think outside the box.
They forgot Rule One.
You know how sometimes you can get the camera to clip through a character model's head and see how they have a fully modeled mouth and eyes inside? My understanding is that the Cinematic Mod in question did the same thing with one of its Alyx models, just with a fully modeled womb and ovaries and such. It was clearly meant for making porn, but got added to the mod anyway.
Though I only know of the FakeFactory stuff third-hand via hearing other people tell the story, so it's possible things got exaggerated along the way.