I really can't wait for this marketing fad to sputter out like NFTs etc.
I think this is pretty accurate. It would also be understandable if the US wantt a very active partner in the very obvious crimes against humanity. The overall colonial land appropriation that Israel is built on, and the general apartheid system Palestinians are subjected to is one thing. The emergency transfer of munitions which will be used to commit war crimes within days is way more acute. It's tough to watch.
Basically the story is that the CEO of the company that built it, before the investigation has been done, blames the crew. It couldn't have been a structural or design failure, again, according to the CEO of the builder. This is an interesting case, maybe it will be on What's Going on With Shipping one of these days.
Based on the other bridges taking bomb strikes, perhaps we can say... soon?
This would be pretty straightforward. Anyone who takes them up would be admitted as an asylum seeker under international law. Fleeing warzones is a common cause for people to seek asylum in another country.
Yea, that's definitely looking like HIMARS lol
I'm not 100% sure this is HIMARS. Due to American restrictions they may want to use their own MLRS, they have a Ukrainian system with similar capabilities. Mainly I'm not seeing the signature radius of fragmentation that the GMLRS rockets produce.
They likely have started as they fall away from the pylon. The Stormshadow, and other cruise missiles, use jet propulsion and don't usually have a very visible exhaust. The reason ground and ship launched versions have the smoke trail is because they use a solid fuel booster to push them up to speed initially for the jet to start. Air launched missiles already have speed and altitude, so you don't need a booster.
I think it will be a slow rollout. Justin Bronk did a good interview that helps to set expectations. Times Radio Interview
The basic summary is that the introduction of F-16 is helpful, but not game changing.
While there obviously are narratives in media, the Biden situation is very interesting to me. Biden is an 81 year-old man. The job he was in the running for is high stress and very important. The media reported on the obvious and completely understandable concerns that voters and politicians had with his candidacy. Given the enormous stakes for countries like mine, outside but influenced by the US, our media also reported on the very real confusion and concern that our citizens had. Trying to say it is some kind of hit job seems to massively oversimplify things.
I mean, if they work that's already one star.