Ukrainians: "Fucking seriously?"
Bizarre that the US is immediately involved militarily to defend an occupying state currently and historically prone to atrocities against civilians. They seem so reticent to help an occupied state exercising great restraint in conforming to the rules of war, despite being victims of aggression and atrocity.
Perhaps Ukraine needs to make a totally reasonable argument like, "all Russian children grow into Russian soldiers." They could start bombing schools and hospitals, the Americans seem to admire that. Could lead to them helping to intercept Russian missiles and drones.
Obviously I'm not going to advocate for any needless killing of civilians on any side. Imagine being a historian trying to figure out what the moral compass of our governments were though, it's pretty much spinning at this point.
If the criteria for declaring a state military organization as terrorists, is abuses of international humanitarian convention and the rules of war, then the Revolutionary Guard can pop onto the list along with the IDF. And a bunch of others really. Calling groups and people terrorists is pretty popular these days, but the word actually has a legitimate use, which isn't to ratify Israeli acts of war against other sovereign nations. Even if, like Israel, those nations are run by shit heads.