Source? Was it actually a BBC reporter or someone they were interviewing?
Do you have personal experience with Nextcloud or Owncloud? I have tried the former and it's been a general nightmare. I'm using Docker and have a dozen or more other containers that all work just fine, but even once I got Nextcloud installed and working it had all kinds of permission problems or just wouldn't install things from its own built-in app store. Never did get any kind of document collaboration working.
The top of Immich's home page says "Do not use it as the only way to store your photos and videos!" Is that hyperbole or a realistic warning?
Nice start and solid choices so far!
Definitely recommend looking into Docker, it'll make cross-platform conflicts and migrations near effortless. Repurposing unused hardware is great, but can also be inefficient or bulky, so a hardware upgrade might be in your future eventually. ;)
If you are interested in automating any media retrieval and/or organization, which I gather you might given you have Plex, look into the *arr ecosystem: Sonarr for TV, Radarr for movies, plus others for books and music and pretty much anything else you can imagine!
My setup is based on Docker and a Synology NAS as the hardware. I recently set up a Minecraft server so my nieces and nephews have somewhere to play together, but may need to move that to my PC as the NAS is not very RAM or CPU heavy.
You should, sounds like you definitely contributed more to the benefit of human society than I ever have!
Depends on what we mean by "space", but IMO this sentiment is much more contemporary than what someone living in the space-based luxury we see from Starfleet would think.
Oh, so war crimes are justified as long as the other side does it first?
Good question, should ask Israel the same thing.
Or, counter-counterpoint, everyone and their dog knows that Israel is spying on everyone and their dog, so all communications by people planning this shit are kept to in person or paper. Anything that has to be transmitted electronically likely is said in code phrases that are agreed on in person.
This has been standard practice for anyone involved in the intelligence world for over a century, so I would sure hope so!
It's still a huge intelligence failure, however, as infiltrating such groups is the primary focus of counter-intelligence organizations. This is also a long-standing practice, which is why all modern terrorist groups use compartmentalization to ensure nobody knows the entire plan.
Blowback like this is the hidden story of the modern age. Every world and regional power has attempted it and been burned, multiple times over.
Heck, one could argue it's exactly what happened in 1776, and the trend has never stopped!
Hamas is not all Palestinians.