
joined 11 months ago
[–] Pratai 10 points 1 week ago

Look deeper. OP is a terminally negative person that complains a lot about their life and then denies any advice for help.

They just want to vent and take their shit out on others.

[–] Pratai 26 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Was going to respond in good faith because I thought I’d be helpful and add my two cents, but OP seems to be a massive troll.

So… naaaah.

[–] Pratai 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Careful with that edge.

[–] Pratai 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Love it! Well… maybe just- like it a lot.

[–] Pratai 5 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Learn what nuance is.

[–] Pratai 0 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Do you live in El Salvador? Because if not- I’d imagine bitcoin should be every bit as irrelevant to you as it is to everyone else.

[–] Pratai 7 points 4 weeks ago

I’m not 12, so…. No.

[–] Pratai 0 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (3 children)

Bitcoin isn’t legal tender. Period. It is a “valuable”

You can’t make in-store purchases with it- therefore, it isn’t a currency. It is a valuable.

[–] Pratai 0 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

I don’t really care what is legal tender in places I will never live. If I visit, I will convert my money to the local currency as needed. Bitcoin however, is NOT going to be among them.

Because it’s not money. It has value, but it is not money.

[–] Pratai 0 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

blocked the Russian bot.

[–] Pratai -1 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Pratai to c/autism

As a result of having an antibiotic-resistant case of chronic sinusitis, I’m having to get an endoscopic sinus surgery along with septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and a few other related procedures on the 15th….

and my anxiety is going nuts!

As of now, I’ve got severe pressure in my ears causing tinnitus, pressure behind my eyes, headaches, and all-over body aches. All of my sinus cavities are infected or so the CT scan shows- so I know I absolutely need to have this procedure, but I’m so worried!

At 51 years old, I’ve never had surgery before in my life.Never been touched by a scalpel. Essentially… I’ve lived in my safe little bubble all this time without having ever had to deal with anything even remotely close to this- and it’s driving me batty!

I’ve tried going over this with my ENT and even explaining to him that I’m on the spectrum, and but he’s incredibly dismissive.

Is there anyone here that’s got some positive energy they can send my way? Maybe some stories of similar procedures? Some advice? Or at least some reasons why I shouldn’t be so worried? I really could use some reassurance here.


I remember it being there before, but now it’s not.


I know there's lemmybewholesome and upliftingnews, but are there more like them with any fair sized population?


Is this a known issue, or a me issue?

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