They're also just a part of another general trend of making nsfw comics with obvious kid appeal and having an onlyfans in their almylinks shit
"As someone whose FwB" is a new one for me. Hey buddy listen my FwB's in the military kinda vibes
And a lovely hoa fee and rules to boot
People would straight up die
Cops literally blew up an entire neighborhood with no repercussions in Philadelphia, USA so idk. Plus the old people on nextdoor would celebrate dead "commies"
Chic fil a, Tesla, Apple
Fun fact this last panel is kinda wrong, Plato believed in Philosopher-kings/politicians who were the most educated, couldn't even hold office until like 50 years old after 35+ educational years
It's for sure worse. Right after their first musical it went downhill and fast. Don't even get me started on that movie
Just 30 years only 30 years a mere 30 years
Unpopular Lemmy opinion: A HIGH SCHOOL teacher shouldn't be making easy to find, non-anonymous porn
It takes 3 clicks on reddit to get to her patreon nudes, it's just common for these comics people to post thinly veiled sexual content that really appeals to minors, and then lead to an OF or similar. R/comics is just like that now