Just power-hungry generals? Anything more to the story?
Counting 5 I assumed were correct!
Und Prossikjutto (prosciutto)
They said SS members were not universally evil. Front national was unimpressed.
I think the most important topic right now is confronting the climate change and the problems it is going to cause, on every level local, regional, national and international. This looming crisis is going to affect everything and everyone on an existential level, and requires every of these government levels, even every individual, to fucking work and to fucking stand together.
And now my compatriots elect AfD.
Among the nonaligned is the German far right party that got kicked out of id for being too extreme.
Spaghetti all'assassina if someone wants an actual dish 🙂 Not the best recipe for munchies however.
Und jetzt alle! "Ich hab ne Zwiebel aufm Kopp, ich bin ein Döner 🎺"
Oder vielleicht lieber doch nicht, wenn ich so drüber nachdenke.
176cm would be given as "eins-sechsundsiebzig" in German, literally translating to one six and seventy (yeah it's backwards), which works exactly like currency.
It is known in Germany, "Eulen nach Athen tragen". I've heard the explanation that the currency of Athens in antiquity had owl on one side.
Ja, die sollte man wirklich alle miteinander erhalsen.