
joined 2 years ago
[–] Polydextrous 14 points 2 years ago

“Come here to die”

[–] Polydextrous -5 points 2 years ago

My brain started reading “Hilary will dump” and started assuming it was going in an “emails” direction

[–] Polydextrous 21 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Wait, bing is Nazi too?!?

[–] Polydextrous 21 points 2 years ago (4 children)

Lol this is such an insane timeline. Firstly, that we have holocaust deniers (what. Just why.), but secondly that all it takes to suddenly decide to start admitting that history isn’t some grand conspiracy (also what.) is getting your ass kicked by a jewish person. Lol such a dumb world

[–] Polydextrous 1 points 2 years ago

Do you have any billions of dollars lying around? I somehow doubt it can be done for under $100…but I also have zero clue

[–] Polydextrous 12 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Yes, the trend of making more and more mentally disruptive technology has been continuing. Yes, capitalists have managed to make more and more effective attention/brain drains…that’s exactly what we’re saying.

The kids “adapt” in that the world has changed and kids have no choice but to live in the world they grew up in. It doesn’t mean the above things aren’t true. It just means things change, and I dunno about you, but I don’t see things moving in the most positive direction. Angrier people, less and less able to have nuanced discussions, people becoming more entrenched and hostile about their views, more instances of thinking people with differing opinions are “evil…”—that shit is in large part due to social media, not to mention network news (both “advancements” of the exact type were discussing).I mean, shit, look how much radio has changed. From old timey radio broadcasts with the family sitting around the fire hearing tales of Redd McGibbon and Bullet to fuckin Howard stern making strippers do math so people can laugh at them and goddamn Rush Limbaugh. See what we’re saying?

[–] Polydextrous 35 points 2 years ago

Exactly. We’ve also been saying that burning coal was destroying the climate, and then we said CFCs were destroying the ozone, and then we said massive deforestation is ruining the climate…doesn’t make any of them less true just because we’ve said similar beings about less efficient means of destruction.

[–] Polydextrous 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

This is exactly what I don’t get about idiots railing against “doom posting.” Like…the science is spitting out dire results. Sharing the results of the experts isn’t “doom posting,” it’s trying to raise alarm because this shit is fucking dire.

It’s fucking sad, but part of me still just thinks, “fuck it, we deserve this.” Even though “we” don’t. Capitalists do. Governments do. Cops do. The actual human people do not.

[–] Polydextrous 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Interesting. Do you think that has anything to do with your possible autism? Because I also had a strong emotional reaction to it—but less to Arthur dying than about everything: the gang falling out, people leaving and moving on…there’s something that always makes me feel really empty and sad about watching a whole story play out, living in that “era” through the story and then seeing a “years later” epilogue where everything that was so important to the story is nothing more than a vague memory to the characters.

Did you ever see the movie Return to Seoul? That movie had a similar effect on me. I dunno what it is, but I’ve always felt that way. Just like the general feeling of life passing and things changing and never going back, this game evoked those emotions very strongly in me. Like the small group that gets back together at John’s house, that whole thing made me really sad.

It’s interesting that you were more angry than you were able to get sad about it. But there’s no one way to feel about it. But the game definitely made you feel stuff, which just goes to show how well it was done.

[–] Polydextrous 6 points 2 years ago

This is where I’m at. He makes up stupid fucking words all the time. But those that follow him will absolutely run with it to “own the libs.” I’m not even sure they would’ve picked up on it if it were a dog whistle. Maybe in the context of the rest of the trial it reads that way, but I haven’t been following the shit coming out of his mouth. But strictly because there’s been a big deal made of it, it’s now ripe for those dimwits utilizing it “as a joke,” and then it’ll just turn into another in a long list of things that IS a dog whistle with some modicum of deniability

[–] Polydextrous -2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

Will forte is not in this movie. It’s will Ferrell.

I honestly think the movie looks like garbage. But that’s just me. If it were forte, I might actually reserve my judgement. But it’s not. It’s will Ferrell, and the man hasn’t had the most stellar record since…well, that’s up for debate. But it’s been a minute.

Edit: ah, my bad errybody, Forte is in it. Still… if it were him fronting the poster and being the main draw, I might feel differently about it. But right now it just feels like another “sausage party” type “non-family friendly family movie” with big names to put butts in seats. Stupid, raunchy humor just because you “can” isn’t my type of humor. I dunno, maybe I’ll be proven wrong when everyone tells me I need to see it and then I’ll enjoy it. Guess we’ll find out. But I had similar feelings about anchorman 2 or, well, sausage party. It’s gonna be dumb and doesn’t seem worth my time

[–] Polydextrous 8 points 2 years ago

Lol what. Honestly the depths of y’all’s stupidity still baffles me sometimes.

Did she crash because she’s a woman, too? Which was it, her whiteness or her womanhood that actually caused the accident? lol idiot

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