We don’t know you, how much could we actually give up?
Anyone still using Google products is a fuckin idiot, IMO
Not to mention, so I can stop seeing pictures of him, pressing his fingertips together in front of his face like he’s some fucking pensive genius. I’m goddamn tired of it
Goddamn this makes me feel old. When I was 12, N64/PlayStation 1 were the dominant systems
Agreed. The new one is boooring. It literally looks like something your OS designated as an icon for an app that doesn’t have an icon. It’s like a placeholder.
Oh shit, my mistake. That’s really fuckin’ dumb. You now have that last 2% of my support behind you.
I completely agree. But this is also just a case of who is posting/voting. It’s not a conspiracy to exclude the rest of the world. It’s just happening based on who is populating the community.
US-based news outlets almost exclusively cover the US. US schools focus heavily on US history and current events. Shit, even when a world event happens, we count victims by nationality! “Two Americans (were among the 198) dead today in…” is not an uncommon framing device for “international” stories (are they even international stories if they’re told that way? It’s debatable). We US-based people simply don’t know much better. I know this is a smaller sampling of the nerdier, more intellectual Americans, but we are still affected by our upbringing and access to information. Even world news leans heavily in our direction (in the english-speaking world, at least. As well as the Spanish-speaking world—those are the only two I can give my opinion on, anyway).
Blame capitalism. We output so much media and tasty bits of insanity that focusing on the US is profitable and entertaining.
Point being, I agree, but I’m not ignoring or voting down any actual news from elsewhere. I’ve just don’t really see it. I’d be happy to see it change, but it starts with the people who post the news. I’ll support you in your quest to post more. But until then…I mean, you’re pointing out just a trend, not an effort by everyone to exclude information. Go ahead and post! You have my vote.
I’m getting to the point that I’m fucking annoyed by the sight of this idiot’s stupid fucking mug. I’m really hoping we can stop fixating on him soon. Remember Bezos? He’s still an asshole billionaire too. He’s just not as vocal. Let’s spread our billionaire hate around appropriately.
I mean…Dilbert was pretty low on the ladder. So the fall from grace wasn’t too far.
Agreed. Seconded on the what the fuck and the insulation issues. This should be a $300 apartment for desperate people. Instead, it’s a landlord exploiting people and exacerbating the housing crisis for profit. Very landlord-y.
Yo dawg, we heard you liked crown moulding, so we put crown moulding on crown moulding on top of your crown moulding!